Home » today » World » This year, half a million euros have been allocated to help victims of crime

This year, half a million euros have been allocated to help victims of crime

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor reminds that there is a system and network of assistance services for victims of crime in Lithuania. Currently, there are 23 accredited emergency services in the country that provide assistance to victims of criminal acts. A victim can contact any emergency service. In total, about 15,000 were granted last year. various services for victims. This year, 500,000 has been allocated for providing accredited assistance. euro state budget funds.

In support services in 2023 2,690 victims of criminal acts were registered, of which 2,622 agreed to accept the offered assistance. Various services were provided to 1688 women, 846 men and 88 children. Of the persons who received help, 164 were persons with disabilities, 488 persons wished to remain anonymous. In total, about 15 thousand were given. various services. On average, one person had 6 services.

What kind of help is available?

The assistance service, having received the data of the victim from the first contact institution or from the person himself, who directly applied to the assistance service, organizes and provides assistance, taking into account the individual needs of the victim and the criminal act committed.

First of all, information is provided about the rights of the victim and the institutions that can ensure them. Employees of the assistance services assess the needs of the victim resulting from the committed criminal act, draw up a plan of assistance measures together with the victim and organize the provision of assistance. The support service provides emotional and psychological support or organizes it, provides temporary accommodation if necessary, informs about institutions and organizations providing social services, services provided by health care institutions and other assistance.

Who can apply and get help?

Complex assistance provided by assistance services can be received by persons who have suffered from any criminal act, as well as family members and close relatives of persons who have died as a result of a committed criminal act. At the request of the victim, other persons may also apply to the emergency service for the provision of assistance to the victim.

Assistance is provided regardless of whether or not the victim has submitted a complaint, statement or notification regarding a criminal act to a competent state or municipal institution. Assistance to victims is provided confidentially. This is one of the essential rights of victims. Help is also provided free of charge.

A person can contact any emergency service in the country, not necessarily based on the place of residence. Support services can also organize support remotely.

How to find help desk?

Information about emergency services and the help they provide is provided by the first contact institutions: pre-trial investigation institution, prosecutor’s office or court, General Help Center (tel. 112), municipal administration, social service institution, any educational or health care institution, State Child Rights Protection and adoption service.

Accredited crime victim support services can be found here: https://socmin.lrv.lt/lt/veiklos-sritys/socialine-integracija/pagalba-nuo-nusikalstamos-veikos-nukentejusiems-asmenims/pagalba-teikiancios-tarnybos-2024-m/

The contacts of services providing emotional and psychological support by phone and online can be found here: https://socmin.lrv.lt/lt/veiklos-sritys/socialine-integracija/emocine-ir-psichologine-pagalba

Help for victims of crime: https://tm.lrv.lt/lt/nukentejusiems-nuo-nusikaltimu/


Press release

#year #million #euros #allocated #victims #crime
– 2024-04-22 11:23:00

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