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This year, 19 authors have been awarded the Copyright Infinity Award

AKKA/LAA This year’s Copyright Infinity Award was given to 19 musicians, artists, producers and writers, including writers Inga Abele and Nora Iksten, poet Kārlis Vērdiņš, musician and songwriter Juris Kaukulis, composer Rihards Zaļups and many others.

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Since 1999, the AKKA / LAA authors’ association has been compiling information on the most widely used works for which authors have been charged for the past year. The AVIS now allows this.

“The Copyright Infinity Award (ABB) is a reminder of the ways in which a work released in the world can go, even if the author did not even imagine it. Whether in a rock opera, a painting or part of it suddenly becomes necessary for a book artist or a museum, the work can be forgotten for “years and then reborn in an unpredictable form,” writes AKKA / LAA representatives.

Winners of 2021:

writer and playwright Inga Ābele – for the play “Island”, staged at the New Riga Theater in 2009, at the Old Town Theater in 2018, entitled “Sea Wind”, staged at the Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theater in 2019, in the same year at the SALME Vallateater and at the Riga Theater Theater 2021 “;

poet Kārlis Vērdiņš – about the poem “Dilles aunt”, published in the book (“Big and Small”, 2018), staged at the Latvian Puppet Theater (premiere on October 11, 2020), also staged at school theaters – Indra Primary School (2020) and Svēte Primary School (2021 );

writer Nora Ikstena – on the novel The Teaching of the Virgin, published in 2001 (“Athens”), translated and published in Lithuanian in 2004 under the title “Gyvenimas yra gyvenimas yra gyvenimas” (translated by Veronika Adamonīte, “Mintis”), 2011. translated and published in Estonian under the title “Neitsi õpetus” in 2017 (translated by Kalevs Kalkuns, “Loomingu Raamatukogu”), re-published in 2017 in the collection “Three” Latvian Radio;

playwright Justīne Kļava – for the play “Ladies”, staged in 2016 at the Theater TT, Endla Theater, Koknese Amateur Theater, Madona City CN Drama Ensemble (2018), Ozolkalns Amateur Theater “Playmans” (2019), in 2020 – the Studio Theater ” AKA “and Saldus Folk Theater; screened at the festival “Riga Plays Theater 2021”;

musician and author of the lyrics Juris Kaukulis – for the song “Do You Need It” in the feature film “Class Reunion 2”, which was shown in Latvian cinemas: “Multikino Latvia”, Vidzeme Concert Hall, “Apollo Kino”, “Cinamon Operations Latvia”, “Kino Lora” and elsewhere, also played on TV3 and both in the Republic of Latvia and in other broadcasting stations;

composer Rihards Zaļupe – about the music in the feature film “Class Reunion 2”, which was shown in Latvian cinemas: “Multikino Latvia”, Vidzeme Concert Hall, “Apollo Kino”, “Cinamon Operations Latvia”, “Kino Lora” and elsewhere, also played on TV3 and both in Latvia and elsewhere in broadcasters, as well as abroad – in Canada, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, Slovenia, Japan, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Estonia – the most played music for the feature film “Nameja ring”;

musician, arranger and lyricist Māra Upmane-Holšteine, musician and lyricist Arnis Račinskis, arranger Roman Falkenstein, musician and arranger Mārtiņš Elerts, musician and arranger Juris Kalnišs and arranger Rūdolfs Budze – about the song “Dejot” year, played in concerts, record – “Kurzeme Radio”, “Latgales Radio”, LR5, “Radio Tev”, “Mans Radio”, “Rontoumu Radio”, “Skonto Latvija”, “Radio Vidzeme”, ” Star FM “,” SWH “,” SWH MAXIMA “, also broadcast on television programs” Music Video Channel “, LTV, TV3, retransmitted and sounded on Internet platforms;

musician and arranger Kristians Rakovskis, musician, arranger and lyricist Agnese Rozniece, arranger Arnis Račinskis, musician and arranger Kristaps Ērglis, arranger Edgars Viļums and arranger Artūrs Strautiņš – for dance music “Line”, registered in 2017, in the recording – LR5, “Radio Rēzekne”, “Rietumu Radio”, “Star FM”, “SWH”, also broadcast on television programs “Music Video Channel”, LTV, “Chaula TV”, retransmitted and sounded on Internet platforms;

artist Eizenija Freimane – about photos from the performances “Waiting for Godo”, “Golden Horse”, “Sins of Trine”, “Four Days in June”, “Casanova’s coat” and “Si minors”, published in the book “Dailei – 100” compiled by Evita Mamaja , on the photo portraits of Igors Kalniņš and Valdis Krastiņš published in Diana Zandberg’s book “Jāzeps Vītols LMA Piano Department 1919–2019”, on the photo “Daile Theater Ensemble 1992/1993” and “Narrated by Juris Strenga. My Accounting”, about the photos from the play “Golden Horse”, published on the website www.memorialiemuzeji.lv, and those shown on television and retransmitted on cable television in Latvia and Estonia;

Artist Miķelis Fišers – for the work “Bear, Wolf and Bunny”, the large-scale reproduction of which has been used by the Latvian National Museum of Art on the construction fence at the exhibition hall “Arsenals” in Riga, Torna Street 1; for the video works “Language Hours” and “Reptilian Training”, which were published on the website www.lnmm.lv, and the visual works, which were published on the Internet in France, were shown on LTV and TET television and retransmitted on cable television in Latvia and France.

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