We are wininglife decently.íctor javier solano, news41life: ictor, tortureThank you. and it’s time to talkof time and a lot happeningin relationto this topic and my dear or rafaIt is in force and alert with thispoor air quality. and theask this morning be thatthe rain was good fortake this remnantfrom poor air quality?Rafael: it could be a que seáVery brief. lestin the early hours of thecurrently. qé no sedistinguishes almost nothing and isprecisely as a consequencedeschanel mist. and you thoughtwhat do they sayfrom the valley, from the west,What we can assure you is thatat the moment and since yesterday we havethe air quality is badAnd this hazemeanwhile, we havestability, which isimportant to some extent,because we started without rain,but we will have stormsof the great lakes. we will bereceiving the past close to themediated with wing temperaturesalidas. 78 fromin the morning. looking for the80. media 80 arrivewhen they start to approachthese storms. At 8:00am begins to arrivecloudiness and from 1:00pm changes the landscape andthey begin to form thosestorms from the west andtapping countiesmore to the northwest and in this casede new jersey,although we will see the rain in thetown . two at 3:00 in the afternoonmoving to the areastorms coming out for longisland.at three or 5:00 in the afternoonthey could be severe wings in this onearea. that’s why that center growsor orx of the storms.tomorrow with 83 just like himFridaybe of the stable ías. theprecious Saturday and thetherometer below