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This will be the celebration in Chicago on the Day of the Indigenous Peoples in the United States | Video | Univision Chicago WGBO

alex: this morning a coalitiongroups or carry out aevent to celebrate the day ofthe natives, even thoughthe members of the board ofcook county commissionershas failed to recognizeofficially the ía and that withoutdoubt has generated controversyin our community. jesseechevería is so alive withus and tell us whatowes the argument.great majority of peopleWhat are they seeing us?familiar with thecontroversy during ecades,October 12 has been inthe center of poetry and that’s itcontroversy in recent yearshas increased, not onlyin chicago but all over thestate of illinois, since formany the date should not onlybe used to remember themeeting of two cultures, theshould also be noted as thedate on which thegenocide of millions ofnatives.in illinois currentlyrecognizes and commemorates the dayIt is the last Monday ofSeptember, not 12October, partly because of thisthat since last year somelegislators in illinois askchange the state holidayday of the race by the day ofindigenous peoples, amongthese legislators arethe state representative deliaraírez that indicates that thepresent day to the peoplesindigenous people, commemorated inSeptember how I ate, I knowapproved without consulting theindigenous groups of the state.where the change has already been made isin the public schools ofChicago in 2017 announcedthat the race wasreplaced by the day of theindigenous peoples in theschool calendar.In English, the breed’s day isknown as columbus day, alevel fer to efforts tochange the name of the holidaygot a boostimportant since the presidentbiden issued on Friday thefirst proclamationpresidential day of theindigenous peoples, this iswill observe October 11,with the idea of ​​the race, that isthat the two things will becommemorating federal levelstarting this October 11.you think both canlive together or you have tochange to a single name thecommemoration?this morning we are in theneighborhood of la villita, bythe moment will come back to you,alex.alex: thank you very much.

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