Home » today » World » This week the initial level of the Trade Union Training School will begin, which will be taught by the UOH – 2024-09-10 19:40:23

This week the initial level of the Trade Union Training School will begin, which will be taught by the UOH – 2024-09-10 19:40:23

A total of three general modules that include various courses that will address topics related to leadership, communication skills and links with society will be considered by the Initial Level Trade Union Training School that the University of O’Higgins (UOH) will carry out starting the second week of September.

The UOH was awarded funds for more than 45 million pesos from the Undersecretariat of Labor, which will allow it to carry out this initiative – the second so far this year, after the successful experience carried out in May – through the Fund for Union Training and Collaborative Labor Relations.

“The objective of the trade union training school is to contribute to the training of workers in comprehensive skills, that is, technical knowledge and communication skills, which will allow them to have more and better tools to face the challenges of the trade union world and collaborative labor relations aimed at guaranteeing Decent Work,” says the Seremi of Labor and Social Security, Jaime Chamorro Galdames.

This event will be carried out by the Labor Observatory team, an initiative of the Undersecretariat of Labor that is being carried out by the UOH, in what is the second union school, after the one held between May and July of this year.

The Initial Level Trade Union Training School is considering free semi-presential classes, being online on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while face-to-face classes will be on Saturdays, at the Rancagua headquarters of the main higher education institution in the O’Higgins Region.

Likewise, students who are part of the school will receive a transportation voucher, if they require it, while there will also be cafeteria service in face-to-face classes.

There will be three modules to be taught in total: challenges of union leadership in the 21st century; development of communication skills, social dialogue and negotiation, and engagement with society.

Initial school requires the completion of 68 teaching hours, each of which corresponds to 45 chronological minutes, while, to pass the course, students must have an attendance percentage equal to or greater than 70% and complete theoretical and practical work.

The school will be inaugurated on Wednesday, September 11 at 12:00 noon at the University of O’Higgins, on its Rancagua Campus (Alameda 611).

Those who wish to register or find out more information can send an email to [email protected], specifying that to be part of this initiative, they must necessarily be employed, over 18 years of age, employed, belong to the private sector and, above all, interested in training in the union field.

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