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This way you can reduce the negative consequences of sitting a lot and increase your resistance

Sitting for a long time, and especially continuously, has a negative effect on health, while exercise activates the body, keeps it healthy for longer and increases resistance to viruses. If you cannot avoid sitting a lot, we give tips below to reduce the negative consequences. We also tell you how you can move a little more with a few minor adjustments.

Adverse consequences of sitting and positive consequences of exercise

Heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles are used minimally while sitting. The demand for oxygen and fuel is very low during sitting. Sitting for long periods increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity can counteract the aging of the immune system. Elderly people who are physically active show a reduced risk of infections. If you are fit, you have a better resistance to viruses, which is certainly desirable in times of corona. Particularly in people who are vulnerable, it appears that physical activity leads to a strengthening of those parts of the immune system that normally decline with age.

Move on a chair

‘Physically active’ is also possible move around on a chair for people who can no longer walk. Or move the arms intensively, with a bag of rice in the hands. It must take a bit of effort, though. It involves an increase in the activity of the heart, which creates a stronger blood circulation.

Sit better

If you cannot avoid sitting a lot, for example because you are physically unable to move, you do a sedentary job or are often on the road by car, then apply the tips below.

With many sitting on a chair

Place the feet directly under the knees and relax the legs. People sometimes have a tendency to sit with tense legs, which is not good for blood flow. Sit with your buttocks right in the back of the chair. Press your back against the backrest, your shoulders back and the sternum slightly forward. Also regularly rotate the shoulders to keep them loose and rotate the feet.

For sedentary work

Sit up straight and use your muscles and not the chair for support. When working on computers, look straight ahead and place the monitor or laptop at eye level. If you are leaning forward a lot, it could be because of your eyes. For example, increase the font size or use reading glasses. Keep your feet flat on the floor, with the knees lower than your hips or bent at an angle of no less than 90 degrees. Adjust the settings of your seat if necessary. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your elbows at a 90 degree angle.

Many sit in the car

Avoid having to stretch too much to hold the handlebars. Therefore, set the chair high enough and at a good distance. Your knees should be slightly bent and lower than the hips. Sit upright with your shoulders down and your back, resting your head against the chair if possible. Ensure an active sitting position and if necessary use a cushion to prevent collapse. Retract your chin for a straight head position.

Move more

Be aware of sitting for a long time and interrupt it by getting up briefly every hour. If you move about 7.5 minutes every hour during the time you are awake, quickly replace 2 hours of sitting with exercise. The ‘Active 10’ method may also be something for you. In addition, you move 3 times a day for 10 minutes more intensively. For example, by walking or cycling at a brisk pace. This ensures that you make greater demands on your lungs and heart. An advantage of the ‘Active 10’ method is that it is easier for many people to maintain than being active for half an hour in a row. You can also easily distribute the 3 active periods of 10 minutes over the day, so that you spend less time sitting in a row.

Easy movement exercises for everyday life

Moving doesn’t have to be that complicated. With a few small changes, you can add a lot of exercise to your day. For example with the following exercise exercises:

  • Stand on one leg, for example while brushing your teeth, without holding on to anything. This way you not only move, but you also train your balance.
  • Hang over the seat for 5 seconds each time you sit down. That strengthens the leg muscles.
  • Every time you turn a page, lift your legs as you read.
  • Do you need to make a phone call? In the meantime, walk around the room.


There are chores to do in the garden every season. In addition to the movement, working in the garden has the advantage that it is done in the fresh air. It also lowers stress and gives you a better mood. Gardening takes strength and energy and that improves the condition and therefore directly improves memory. For those who cannot handle it physically, but would like to continue to work in the garden, it can help to organize the garden in such a way that it remains accessible. For example, provide a handrail for stairs and steps. In a large garden, place benches in various places. Then you can sit down for a while between all activities. And raised areas make it easier to access the plants.

Last tip: drink enough (water)

The feeling of thirst decreases in the elderly, which can lead to too little drinking. By being aware of this and establishing a regular pattern in it, you will not only drink enough, but also ensure that you get out of your chair more often. You will then have to get up more often to empty your bladder.

Also read: those who sit too much have a chance of ‘dead buttocks syndrome’.
Exercise tips from Olga Commandeur against dead butt syndrome.
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(Source: Archive, Nu.nl, WerkJeFit)

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