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This was our Tool Talk in June

“Hey guys, I have another discount code for you! Oh yeah, and later I’ll do a live with a new haul!”

In times of social media platforms with wide-reaching accounts, such sentences are no longer uncommon. More and more people (especially young and tech-savvy) are following the online lives of people who are somewhat or very famous. And what used to be covered up as advertising ambassadors is now taking place in a much more subtle way on social media: influencer marketing.

For you as a business, these developments offer new opportunities to get your products or services out to the public. In addition to clearly influencing people to buy the advertised items, it is now important to also be present on the networks so that your brand is not forgotten.

This was our Tool Talk in June

Influencer Marketing: Examples and Practical Tips

As a software comparison platform, you will find many categories on OMR Reviews and of course even more software to implement your social media presence. There were also two tool talks on the topic at the end of June. In these online sessions, one of the experts first welcomed you with an introduction. Then representatives of software introduced themselves and directly answered chat questions.

The Tool Talk about influencer marketing is part of the one about social media marketing. It was of course specifically about influencer marketing, i.e. the business model in which profiles on social networks use their reach and offer paid advertising for your brand. To view the recordings of both talks later, you are welcome to download the discussion rounds.

These were the contents of the Tool Talk Influencer Marketing #Examples

The second Tool Talk was no less exciting when it came to social media: Jessica Haltenhof moderated the panel, which was about influencer marketing. As Director of Influencer Marketing at Social Match, she knows exactly why and how you should find the best creators for your brand. According to Jessica, influencer marketing is the type of social media marketing in which public figures are called in to promote products or labels.

In general, a distinction is made between different reach levels and creators are divided into different types: nano, micro, mid, macro and mega. However, each category has its advantages and just because the accounts have more than a million followers and demand the most money, this is not always the best option for businesses. In addition, our expert also discussed sub-disciplines of influencer marketing during the tool talk:

  • The Influencer Campaign
  • Influencer Relations
  • User Generated Content (USG)
  • Creator Economy
  • Influencer Events
  • Influencer Seedings

For Jessica, several criteria are decisive when looking for a suitable tool for influencer marketing. In addition to the integration of social networks and other systems, you should take a close look at the functions of the tools. Ask yourself questions like: Should the tool help me select creators? How can I track the performance of the campaigns? Is the software within my legal and financial scope?

influData started their product pitch by defining the target group: On the one hand, the tool is aimed at influencers looking for deals. On the other hand, it offers campaigns for YouTube, Instagram and TikTok specifically for companies of all sizes. Reports reveal data on reach growth, fake audiences, shitstorms and general engagement. Their example case was a company that wants to sell nutritional supplements via social media. For them, influData can solve the problems of niche products, low reach and confusing costs. The lookalike search attempts to repeat existing collaborations; the sentiment analysis gives you a picture of the mood of the community.

If, on the other hand, you are an agency or want to promote your brand without your own creator teams, the Refluenced tool may be the right choice for you. The platform can take over the acquisition of micro-influencers for you, because the creators on the other side apply for the deal with your company. Filters and other search masks simplify the search and collaboration. And then the tool accompanies you from content creation (including Sparks Ads) to publishing and tracking to paying the advertising partners. The aim is long-term cooperation in order to enable scalable influencer marketing. This is also proven by the example of the company SNOCKS, which was able to carry out campaigns with Refluenced in the past.

In the final discussion round, Jessica asked the two contact persons questions about data processing, target groups, learnings, integration potential and much more. This alone makes it worth taking a look at the free recording!

If you want to know what to expect at our Tool Talks, you can register in our Recaps about past topics. Stay tuned for further online sessions on topics such as HR, CRM/Sales and content.

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