It is in full swing I give my day its third season, whose seventh guest is none other than the former teen idol, Brasch Bence. And this means nothing more than that we can follow the singer’s day on the online interface until the moment he meets with Péter Geszti in the show’s studio.
Bence Brasch (Photo: Bálint Kovács)
It was like that for a little boy
In the morning stream video of the show, Bence visited his mother, with whom he had a pleasant breakfast. During their conversation, a very interesting story from his past emerged:
I know that you and your class teacher were in constant contact by phone and we always discussed how much you clown around, you constantly draw attention to yourself, you can’t keep the class calm, because the main thing is that you perform. This is still the case today.
– Bence’s mother revealed with a laugh, to which the singer laughed and said only that: ˝It is no longer like that.˝
After all this, we can also witness a heartwarming moment thanks to the stream video, because Bence’s mother took out the glass from which the singer drank as a child, before starting school.
Follow the singer’s day!
If you are interested in how Bence Brasch spends his day, follow him live at, and if you are interested in more, watch at 8 p.m. VIASAT3on the evening talk show I give my day, where they talk with Péter Geszti about today’s events, and of course about many other things.