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This village could hold the solution to the epidemic

While Lombardy continues to pay a heavy price for the coronavirus, the strange case of a small village in the region fascinates and gives hope. Ferrera Erbognone, a small municipality of 1000 inhabitants located in the Pavia region, seems to be immune to Covid-19: no positive case has (yet) been detected. “Perhaps we have all developed antibodies because we are going out as usual, I have no other explanation,” confides a passerby.

The peculiarity of this village, most of whose inhabitants are over 60 years of age, intrigues scientists, writes Corriere della Sera. As soon as the Lombard authorities give the green light, the Mondino Institute in Pavia will carry out its investigation. The mayor has distributed a notice to all families in the municipality: until April 2, they will have the opportunity to register to undergo blood tests in a laboratory in the neighboring municipality of Sannazzaro de ‘Burgundi. These direct debits, which may also be made at home, will be free and will be made on a voluntary basis.

The aim of this operation will be to establish whether the majority of the villagers have actually been infected with Covid-19 without developing symptoms, and are now immunized. Ferrera Erbognone residents may have antibodies capable of fighting the coronavirus. Scientists will investigate whether something special in the immune system of this small population could explain why no one was affected. Perhaps one of the keys that may help stop the coronavirus pandemic is hidden in this mystery.

(The essential / joc / afp)

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