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This video is going viral on the internet. Starring Neymar

We haven’t seen Neymar on the football pitch for almost half a year. This is the result of an injury he suffered in October 2023. The Brazilian then tore the anterior cruciate ligament and damaged the meniscus in his left knee. This excluded him from the game for a long time.

Therefore, apart from rehabilitation, the player had to find a new job. A game of golf was supposed to help relieve boredom. A few days ago, Neymar and his friends went to one of the golf courses in Saudi Arabia.

A video of Neymar’s first shot was posted on social media. This was, to put it mildly, not a success. The footballer made a big swing, but instead of hitting the ball, he hit… the grass. The force was so great that a hole appeared in the turf.

The rest of the article is below the video

This recording caused laughter in the comments. There were malicious comments from fans who told Neymar to stay with football because it was better for him. Others, however, suggested that the Brazilian take lessons from Gareth Bale.

Let us remind you that Gareth Bale, after his football career, switched to another discipline – golf. This one is his great passion. He takes part in many tournaments (with good results) and enjoys life to the fullest without any pressure.

Coming back to Neymar, there is a chance that he will return to the pitch soon. Although there are rumors that he will return to training in May, it is possible that we will not see him on the field again this season.

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