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“This tweet is there to sound the alarm,” says Mathilde Panot after the controversy

His tweet continues to make waves. Sunday July 17, 2022, Emmanuel Macron commemorated the 80th anniversary of the Rafle du Vel d’Hiv by inaugurating, in the company of survivors, a new place of memory in the old station of Pithiviers (Loiret), from which left eight convoys for Auschwitz-Birkenau.

>> Vel’d’Hiv: Mathilde Panot criticizes “a president who honors Pétain” and causes an outcry within the political class

The day before, the leader of the LFI deputies Mathilde Panot reproached, on Twitter, Emmanuel Macron for having “honored Pétain” in 2018, drawing indignant reactions in the majority. “80 years ago, the collaborationists of the Vichy regime organized the Vel d’Hiv roundup. Do not forget these crimes, today more than ever, with a President of the Republic who honors Pétain and 89 RN deputies“, tweeted Saturday Mathilde Panot.

On franceinfo, Monday July 18, Mathilde Panot returned to the controversy indicating that “ce tweet is there to launch the alert” : “A commemoration is a “moment of homage“to the victims, but”it’s also a time when we have to point out responsibilities“, believes Mathilde Panot.

Wanting”clarifier“, the deputy of Val-de-Marne explained: “If there is a duty of memory, there is also a duty of vigilance on resurgences [de l’antisémitisme]. What I wanted to say with this tweet is that there are 89 RN deputies in the Assembly and that it is not admissible as the president said in 2018 to pay tribute to Pétain“, specifying having made this tweet”to initiate the alert.

A tweet of this type does not serve the memory of the Holocaust and seems inappropriate to me“, denounced this Monday on franceinfo Yonathan Arfi, new president of Crif, after the tweet of the president of the LFI group in the Assembly Mathilde Panot. “False historical comparisons are dangerous“, he estimated.

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