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This Tuesday the results of the Democratic primaries for the mayor of New York would be known | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

avoid fines and return asexcessive heat in the areatriestatal.Elian: I also tell you thatpoint to know the resultsof the primary electionsin the city as wellthey could see a verycomplicatedafter the lastdiscrepancy that arose.the electoral board deliver thefinal data and to knowmany more details we go tooutside the mayor’s officecity ​​with my partner isabelperalta that has all thedetails.isabel: as you said, todaytheelection resultsDemocratic primariesby the mayor of the city ofnew york or could it get complicatedjoin the contest towardsalkali.after theballots incorrectly,from new york promises to publishthe results included in thevote of almost the entire electorateor the voters, we aretalkingof the outcome of wings of125,000 absent ballots in acount of options by orderpreferably and could indicatea possible winner or alsobring the conclusion to along legal battle or amanual countof votes, it should be remembered that inthe last count correctedlast week after the meetingelectoralthrow an error shows thatoverthrewto garía by about 15,000 votes.both argue that the votesby mail favor them a32% who are from garía inmanhattan and 26% adams inbrooklyn.in the most recent resultsshow in the penultimate rounda vote count that is aabout 350 votes of garía, thelast week they presentedcourt documents in thesuggesting you could order amanual vote counting if theresults continue asfought, they have presentedright to challengeresults, it is not known whattime exactly will be given toknow the results butwe know that it is alsowaiting for a performance inthe contest for the followingcontests, the president offrom manhattan, wewe will keep you informed.I am Isabel Peralta, I return with

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