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This trick reduces the duration of a child’s cold by two days

A few days ago, we officially entered autumn. And on this Sunday, September 29, 2024, the temperatures are particularly cool. Enough to confirm to us that the fall season has indeed replaced summer. So no more t-shirts, dresses or shorts that we could still wear in recent weeks. It’s time to sort out our wardrobes and those of our children to make room for warmer and more comfortable clothes, typical of this time of year. You may have already noticed, but with the change of season, we are more likely to get sick. And our offspring are much more exposed to viruses than us.

In fact, every day, they go to school and are in contact with many children. More fragile, our little darlings are therefore more receptive to germs, particularly colds which are very prevalent from the month of September. This results in difficulty breathing due to a blocked or runny nose, which may or may not be accompanied by a mild fever. Unfortunately, this viral infection is transmitted easily and quickly. If your children are affected by this disease, you have a good chance of also suffering later. But recently, experts have highlighted a tip that could help you significantly reduce the duration of the illness. We’ll explain it to you.

This tip is the most effective for reducing the duration of your child’s cold, according to a study

You have tried different grandmother’s remedies, but nothing works. Despite their effectiveness, these do not really reduce the duration of your child’s cold. Well, know that several scientists based in Edinburgh, Scotland, carried out the investigation. They tried different treatments to combat nasopharyngitis on 407 children aged six or under, 301 of whom caught a cold. And after several weeks of analysis, the professionals revealed their conclusions at the congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS), which took place from September 7 to 11 in Vienna, Austria. They noticed faster improvements in healing from this viral infection. The solution? Luse of salt water drops. With this treatment, researchers found that children recovered in six days instead of eight on average.

How does this tip work to reduce the length of your child’s cold?

In France, saline solutions are not the most common medicines to treat colds. However, mainly in South Asia, this treatment has been used for a long time, as explained by Dr Sandeep Ramalingam, virologist and co-author of the study. But why is this type of product so effective? THE sodium chloridepresent in salt, is in fact an ingredient that helps form an acid. The latter will help the body fight against viral infections. And these so-called “hypertonic” solutions are very concentrated in salt. Consequence: their use shortens the duration of your child’s cold. Test and see for yourself!

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