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This trick protects you from corona – in addition to the mask – health

With a simple method, you can minimize or maximize the risk of contracting the coronavirus.

Personal responsibility is the order of the day. In addition to using the protective mask, keeping your distance and cleaning and disinfecting your hands, there is a simple method that can protect against corona infection in everyday life and minimize the viral load.

According to experts, there is one key factor that can determine whether or not to contract the coronavirus: time. How long you stay in a potential danger zone is essential. The risk can therefore be increased or reduced by the time component.

To this end, the immunologist and professor at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dr. Erin Bromage set up a formula. An infection can be illustrated mathematically as follows: Successful infection = exposure to the virus x time

Three important questions for social situations

In connection with this, it is essential to ask yourself three questions in social situations:

How many people will i meet?

How much air flow is there?

How long will I be there?

Talking, sneezing or coughing also increase the chances of infection. After all, it depends on the amount of virus particles emitted, which is greater the longer you stay in a room.

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