Home » News » This treat will go up to the Supreme Court. The case could have enormous consequences for Norway.

This treat will go up to the Supreme Court. The case could have enormous consequences for Norway.

Can other countries dig into hitherto unknown riches at the bottom of the sea around Svalbard?

In the Barents Sea, the snow crab was first found on Gåsbanken in 1996. Since then, it has triggered a dispute that is going before the Norwegian courts. Currently, it usually costs around NOK 1,000 per kilo over the counter in Oslo.

Who wins: A Latvian shipping company or the Norwegian state? On Tuesday, snow crab is on the menu at Norway’s highest court. For a full four days, the parties will plead their case before the Supreme Court.

The answer the country’s most powerful judges come up with could have far greater consequences than whether some Latvians get to catch crabs.

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