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this Steve Jobs technique to stimulate your brain validated by science

Steve Jobs revolutionized our daily lives when he co-founded Apple. In addition to having a secret technique for choosing his employees, this brilliant inventor also had one, simple and effective, to solve the most complex problemswhich he nicknamed the “10-minute rule”. Validated by neuroscientists, it has the advantage of being accessible to all and easy to set up!

10 minutes to become smarter thanks to Steve Jobs

The father of the iPhone had his own methods to overcome difficulties of his profession as an entrepreneur and inventor. A visionary, he left an indelible mark on the electronics landscape by innovating in the fields of personal computers, animated films, music, telephones, tablet computers, retail and digital edition. Although he died in 2011he continues to fascinate and inspire with his extraordinary existence. The CEO of Apple, who became a multimillionaire at 25, used toapply the “10 minute” rule to any new problem. This consists of sitting at your desk for this fairly short period of time to think about it, then go for a walk if he couldn’t find a solution. According to Walter Isaacson, the biographer of Steve Jobs, the latter loved to walk”often barefoot, and “going for a long walk was his way of having a serious conversation.”.

steve jobs

Some meetings with his creative teams were also conducted in the form of walks, the CEO of Apple believing that his ideas were clearer and more creative in this way. And he was right, as science has since proven! Neuroscientists have carried out studies confirming that walking is beneficial for the brain. Indeed, according to Mithu Storoni, author ofHyperefficient : Optimize Your Brain to Transform the Way You Workour gray matter requires change to be at its maximum capacity. Unlike your biceps, it’s not a muscle that you can make bigger through repetition of the same movement, like push-ups. For increase his abilities, you have to surprise him! And there’s nothing like a walk for that…

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