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This seasonal fruit can improve blood pressure, which protects the heart and circulation

Nowadays the heart and cardiovascular system are often affected by diseases of varying severity. Due to genetic causes, others of an environmental nature concur on which it is possible to intervene effectively. Among these, nutrition has a significant impact. While some foods can become real heart killers, others have the opposite effect according to scientists. This is what the researchers report in a study that appeared in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Now that we are in the autumn it is worth taking advantage of some really good and zero kilometer foods for the well-being of your health and the environment. This seasonal fruit can improve blood pressure, which protects the heart and circulation. Let’s see what it is.

Those suffering from heart problems can receive INPS economic benefits in some cases

There are many people who currently suffer from problems or diseases in the cardiovascular system. Where the clinical condition compromises the ability to work, it is possible to apply for state subsidies. We talked about it illustrating the 5 chronic heart diseases that ensure the disability pension INPS. On the opposite side there are as many subclinical conditions not yet classifiable as a heart disease but which can raise an alarm bell. In this sense, the American College of Cardiology has indicated some indicators to which particular attention should be paid: “The indicator of cardiovascular disease could be this high blood value that many underestimate“. On the basis of these data, it is clear the importance of doing not only a cure, but also a preventive work, including that of a food type.

This seasonal fruit can improve blood pressure, which protects the heart and circulation

Among the foods that, in the opinion of the researchers, can offer potential help to the cardiovascular system are walnuts. One scientific study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association highlighted several beneficial effects of this dried fruit on the heart and circulation. Researchers recruited subjects who had some risk or familiarity with cardiovascular disorders. They divided them into three groups by administering three identical diets in terms of calories but different only for the presence of whole walnuts in one group.

The results showed that consuming walnuts daily, instead of saturated fat, can greatly improve blood pressure. Researchers explained this possible beneficial effect of walnuts through the various components that distinguish these products. The different compounds present in walnuts, as scientists argue, could positively affect the cardiovascular system, favoring its proper functioning. That’s why you might include walnut consumption in your diet, experts suggest. In this case it is always essential to follow the instructions of your specialist or referring doctor on diet and any food allergies or intolerances.


These are the 5 worst foods that damage the brain and send it into a tailspin according to science

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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