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“This seafood? Sent Great Firewall of China” Photo of Myanmar shaking

A photo spread among Myanmar netizens on the 11th. Following the photo of a Chinese cargo plane standing at Yangon Airport, the photo spread, protesters are raising suspicion that China is supporting the Myanmar military. [트위터 갈무리]

– The Financial Times (FT) reported on the 12th (local time) that the anti-Chinese sentiment of the Myanmar people is spreading nationwide. Suspicion has been raised that China is trying to support Myanmar with the so-called’Great Firewall’ Internet control system technology. The military regime in Myanmar has also raised concerns from the international community by pushing for a social media (SNS) censorship bill. Protesters have been protesting in front of Chinese and Russian embassies since the 10th.

Myanmar netizens suspicion of technical support for’The Great Firewall’ in China
Chinese Embassy denies “regular flight with seafood” again
Dr. Maung Jani claims that the “missile has arrived”

The suspicion was raised on the 9th as a photo spread on social media. This is a picture of a Chinese cargo plane standing on the runway of both airports.. Myanmar netizens spread the freighter’s route and flight number, claiming that “five Chinese freighters departing from Kunming, Yunnan Province, arrived at Yangon Airport, and IT experts and communication equipment to pass on the Great Firewall technology would have come down.” After the coup, virtually all foreign aircraft were banned from landing at Yangon Airport, while only Chinese cargo planes landed, further spreading suspicion.

Dr. Maung Jani, a famous Myanmar democrat, posted a photo of a cargo plane arriving at Yangon Airport on the 11th, claiming that the weapon had arrived in Myanmar.  In another Twitter post, the doctor repeated the same argument, posting a picture of getting off the cabin cargo that spread among netizens. [트위터]

Dr. Maung Jani, a famous Myanmar democrat, posted a photo of a cargo plane arriving at Yangon Airport on the 11th, claiming that the weapon had arrived in Myanmar. In another Twitter post, the doctor repeated the same argument, posting a picture of getting off the cabin cargo that spread among netizens. [트위터]

China’s “aquatic product transport” protesters “is this aquatic product”

The Chinese embassy immediately told Facebook, “This freighter is a regular freighter that imports and exports seafood.”He denied the allegations.

OK Another photo spread on social media, saying, “Is this a seafood?” This is a picture of a box the size of a person’s height in a protective color (green, which is mainly used in military uniforms) being moved from a cargo plane. While the authenticity of the photo has not been confirmed, a famous democratic activist in Myanmar posted related photos on Twitter, claiming that “weapons have arrived.” Myanmar’s democratic activist who has studied Rohingya persecution and slaughter Dr. Maung Jani argued that “Min Aung Hlaing purchased an air-to-air bomb from another dictator,” and “the missile has arrived in Yangon.”

A photo posted on the Facebook page on the topic of military and weapons operated by Myanmarians on the 11th.  The Chinese embassy's statement and photos that are presumed to be in the cargo plane are posted, and the Chinese embassy's statement that cargo transported by Chinese aircraft is seafood is questioned. [페이스북 갈무리]

A photo posted on the Facebook page on the topic of military and weapons operated by Myanmarians on the 11th. The Chinese embassy’s statement and photos that are presumed to be in the cargo plane are posted, and the Chinese embassy’s statement that cargo transported by Chinese aircraft is seafood is questioned. [페이스북 갈무리]

– In the midst of worsening public opinion, China’s state-run Global Times reiterated the explanation from the Chinese embassy in Myanmar on the 13th that “the cargo plane is a regular flight that carries aquatic products and there is no basis for any suspicion.” As if conscious of public opinion in Myanmar, the Chinese embassy emphasized, “China is a friendly neighbor to Myanmar, and it is playing a constructive role in bringing Myanmar’s politics back to normal through dialogue.” The Global Times accused the unfounded rumors of spreading through Western media such as the BBC and Voice of America (VOA) broadcasts.

The military’s’punitive SNS control bill’ is in progress

– On the 11th, the military ministry of Myanmar announced the draft’punitive cybersecurity bill’. According to FT, the contents of the draft are as follows: Myanmar’s online service providers are required to store users’ data in a place designated by the government for three years, and in case of threats to Myanmar’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the law requires the information to be handed over to the authorities. Individuals who violate the law can face up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $7500.

On the 14th (local time), Myanmar protesters are protesting, raising suspicion of Chinese military support in front of the Chinese embassy in Myanmar in Yangon.[EPA=연합뉴스]

On the 14th (local time), Myanmar protesters are protesting, raising suspicion of Chinese military support in front of the Chinese embassy in Myanmar in Yangon.[EPA=연합뉴스]

– Myanmar’s Facebook subscribers are 21 million, or 40% of Myanmar’s citizens. Supreme Commander Min Aung Hlaing, who came to power in the coup, ordered the news agency on the first weekend of the anti-coup protest to cut off access to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as to stop accessing Internet services. Myanmar protesters connected to SNS through a bypass program to inform the outside of the Myanmar protest situation.

Reporter Jeong Eun-hye [email protected]

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