Friday, January 27 2023 – 10:07 WIB
LIVE Techno – Scientists have created robot a small ‘Terminator 2’ resembling that can melt and return to its original form on command, allowing it to easily escape confined spaces.
To build such a robot, scientists embed microscopic chunks of magnetic neodymium, boron and iron into molten gallium (a metal with a low melting point) and let it harden.
Just like the terrifying T-1000 from ‘Terminator 2’, this robot has shape-shifting abilities that allow it to easily escape.
Use magnet to order miniature creations in order melt away, the researchers filmed the robot turning into an amorphous puddle to slide through the bars of the cage before magically reconstituted itself on the other side. The researchers published their findings Jan. 25 in the journal Matter.
To pull off this smelting trick, they warm up the bot goes through a process known as magnetic induction, using moving magnets to regulate electrical currents inside the robot.
The current melts the gallium and the magnetic elements suspended in it cause the gallium to be attracted toward the magnet, quoting from the Live Science website, Friday, January 27, 2023.
Future robot illustration.
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“The magnetic particles here serve two roles. One is that they make the material responsive to an alternating magnetic field, so you can through induction, heat the material and cause a phase change,” according to senior author Carmel Majidi.