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This Proof of Persons with Autism Can Work

indopos.co.id – Every parent would want the best for their children. Especially for parents who have children with special needs or autism. However, stirring autistic children is not easy.

Public perception of children with special needs is still likely to be negative. So that not a few parents who have children with autism feel burdened, ashamed, sad, angry, difficult, and often hopeless at first.

But not for Dunya Mugijanto and her husband. Both chose to immediately get up and find the best solution for his eldest son, Rayen. Since the age of 2 years, Rayen was diagnosed with autism.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or more commonly known as autism is a condition in which the brain development of a person experiences a disorder that affects the ability to communicate and interact with others.

“We as parents will not always be there for our children. While given physical strength, mind, and material, then prepare our children as much as possible and as soon as possible so that later they can be more independent. Even with limited capabilities, one day can provide a livelihood, “said Dunya Mugijanto on the Dunya x Dunya virtual Launching, Sunday (07/26/2020).

Various efforts have been made by Dunya for her child. This trip finally showed a bright spot when Rayen found his talent in painting. With its limitations, Rayen seemed to find his identity in every painting he carved.

Seeing Rayen’s perseverance in painting, Dunya was inspired to provide a forum for people with autism with a talent for painting to be able to express themselves in uniqueness, as well as get the appreciation of many people.

“Dunya x Dunya is a story about limitations. Through Dunya x Dunya, I hope that people with autism can bring these limitations into a uniqueness that produces strength in the future, “he hoped.

At the launch of Dunya x Dunya with the theme ‘Autism & Creativity’, a talk show with the theme ‘Does My Child Have Talent in Painting?’ with speaker Toto Timotius Swarsito as Art Mentor Hadiprana Art Center, Adrian a Binus Center Graphic Designer, and Dunya Mugijanto, with moderators Sinhwi Halim, Art Lover and parents with autism.

“Most children with special needs who I deal with have autism. I often tell their parents not to underestimate the abilities of these children, “said Toto.

Toto said, at the beginning it might look messy. But the end result can be outstanding. The way they communicate may be different, but what they want to achieve is the same as other normal children.

This activity is also an event to open the ‘How We See the World’ art exhibition, curated by Irma Chantily, exhibiting art from autism in D’gallerie, South Jakarta, from 27 July to 2 August 2020.

Certainly, Dunya x Dunya will always work together and appoint autistic artists to continue working within their limitations. Dunya hopes that with this forum, he can help Rayen and other autism artists to have a better future, with opportunities and jobs that match their talents.

In the future, the works of artists with autism will be applied to various art works, such as clothing products and home appliance. By using products from Dunya x Dunya, it is hoped that one can always remember that limitations are unique, and uniqueness is strength. (Rmn)

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