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This plant in your garden keeps mosquitoes away

Many people try to use chemical agents to control mosquitoes. There are both effective and natural options: Plants against mosquitoes are visually appealing and significantly more environmentally friendly than insecticides.

Do plants help against mosquitoes?

The graduate biologist Karin Greiner on the Bavarian Radio (BR) recommends using plants against mosquitoes. Her tip: “There used to be a walnut tree on every farm near the dung heap. Its evaporation not only keeps mosquitoes away, but also blowflies and brakes.”

You can also use houseplants Repel mosquitoes: Fragrance geraniums, fresh lavender, rosemary, basil, catnip and garlic don’t like to smell the pests. The yellow or orange flowers of the marigold also have a deterrent effect. And a classic of mosquito repellent are lemon scents – like lemon balm, lemon grass, lemon geranium. And tomatoes also seem to be proving their worth.

It is best to place the plant next to the window so that the natural vapor can work directly on the spot. According to expert Greiner, the shrub doesn’t even have to bloom or bear fruit in order to effectively drive away the blood-sucking pests. Whether plants help against mosquitoes in any case is controversial. The BR advises you to simply try out which natural remedies are most suitable for you.

Grandma’s recipe for mosquitoes was always the leaves of tomato plants. Cut off and put in a vase, the smell in the bedroom should keep the pests away. Does that really work? Yes, say the experts from the flower office in Essen. They advise against stinging insects on a tomato plant on the terrace or a few leaves of this plant on the table.

Natural remedies for insects

Nehle Hoffer from the nature conservation department at the German Federal Agency for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND) advises placing a halved lemon, peppered with dried cloves, on the windowsill. Alternatively, scented candles and incense sticks with the same flavors can repel mosquitoes.

After all, you can also use plants as Home remedies for mosquito bites help. Tip: Grate a sheet of lemon balm between your fingers and drip the juice onto the sting. This remedy should give you relief from itching. A tincture made from a third of plantain and two thirds of alcohol is also pleasant for the skin – ideally grappa or double grain, but in any case a drink with an alcohol content of more than 40 percent.

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