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This particular herbal tea calms anxiety and reduces stress—that’s what it is

What do the most precious spice in the world, saffron, anxiety, stress and herbal teas have to do with it? We’re going to find out right now.

Well, we all know saffron mainly for its use in the kitchen, in many typical dishes of the Italian tradition. How not to mention the famous Milanese risotto?

However, what many people don’t know is that saffron also has real healing abilities, which can really do our health a lot of good.

Want to find out how saffron infusion can help fight anxiety and stress? Then don’t miss this article!

Saffron anti-stress herbal tea: here are its properties

Well, for all those who know only the food use of saffron, let’s start immediately by specifying that this spice also has beneficial properties for health.

In particular, we are referring to a food which, in itself, is rich in fibres, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In short, it has excellent nutritional values.

But that’s not all. Indeed, saffron is very famous and widely used because it has a very large amount of minerals and vitamins, such as:

And many others.

What are the benefits of saffron herbal tea?

The question that immediately arises is: what are the much-vaunted benefits of saffron herbal tea? What problems can this “miraculous” infusion solve?

1. Saffron herbal tea against stress and anxiety

The first benefit of saffron herbal tea is the one you get against stress and anxiety. In fact, within this spice we can find two fundamental components for the psychophysical well-being of each of us: we are talking about crocina and sefranal.

These two components are essential for the production of two hormones: serotonin and dopamine which, as we know, are essential for the well-being of our body.

Well, thanks to the presence of crocin and sefranal, saffron is perfect for acting directly on our brain, reducing the degree of stress and anxiety in our body.

Precisely for this reason, in addition to being known as one of the most expensive foods in the world, saffron is also remembered for being a completely natural antidepressant.

Warning: if you were wondering how long it takes to take effect, you need to know that it has an immediate action.

2. Saffron herbal tea as an anti-aging secret

Saffron is also widely used in the world of beauty, because it has the power to slow down ageing. In fact, it is a food rich in carotenoids which, consequently, carries out an important antioxidant action on the tissues.

3. Saffron to relax muscles

A third benefit that you can have by taking saffron, especially in the form of infusions and herbal teas, is muscle relaxation.

In fact, it has an analgesic action, perfect for your muscles. All this leads to a relaxation of the muscle tissues.

4. Saffron herbal tea to reduce insomnia

As with anxiety, taking saffron herbal teas is also an excellent remedy against another problem that afflicts many people: insomnia.

Indeed, saffron is said to have a calming action and, consequently, it is recommended to take it before going to bed.

So, to take advantage of all the beneficial effects of this “magical” food, why not take a saffron herbal tea before going to bed?

5. Saffron improves digestion and makes you lose weight

Last benefit, but not least, concerns its effect on digestion. In fact, saffron facilitates the digestion of meals and, at the same time, helps reduce the sense of hunger. Precisely for this second reason, many argue that saffron makes you lose weight.

Well, to clarify the concept well, we can say that saffron, by acting directly on our mood, manages to keep episodes related to “nervous hunger” or “stress hunger” under control, consequently we will eat less between meals and could lose weight. In short, we would like to underline that, in any case, it does not represent a miraculous diet to lose weight.

What is the recipe for saffron herbal tea?

If you have been fascinated by this food and its beneficial properties, why not try a saffron herbal tea?

For this reason we have decided to also give you the recipe, so you can use it when you prefer.

To prepare it, you’ll just have to bring the water to a boil in a kettle or, if you don’t have one, in a saucepan.

Next you will have to pour the boiling water into a cup and add from 3 to 5 stigmas of saffron, to be soaked for about 10 minutes.

Et voilà, the herbal tea is ready! If the flavor isn’t your thing, you can also add a spoonful of honey to sweeten it.

Read also: Digestive spices to combat excesses at the table: here’s what they are

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