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This New York legislation seeks to end wage theft from construction workers | Your Political City New York

talk with usAdriana: It is a theme aoccupant, thanks to hope.hundreds of workers from theconstruction require thenew york legislatureapproval of the law thatprotect from theftwages.We will know what it consists of andtestimonies of those affected.mercy we deserve to live withdignity!of construction they arrived untilthe capitol in albany forask the legislature to approvea bill thatit would protect from wage theft.Seún expressed the sponsor,undocumented immigrants whothey do not belong to the unions.would protect the salary, hoursextras and benefits that I don’t knowhave paid the employee.we are looking to put an end to itto the theft of wages, to make thegeneral contractors theconstruction projects,there is a much more processeasy, so that employeescan get their salary backthat subcontractorschange your names, closetheir companies disappear. islaw seeks to hold accountablemain contractors bythose wages that are stolen.reporter: annually, newYork is close to$ 1,000,000,000 in wagesstolen affecting the wings of2,100,000 workers.the industry ofconstructions of the asvulnerable. that thousands ofworkers denounce theworkers and activists, theprocess can take years,even some could notget the money back.you place a complaint and mustenter investigation, mustverify what you did.it is very difficult.abuse when they areworkers who cannotaccess.romy: the project is expectedbe debated in the week thisweek. to be approved andbecome law, entered

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