11:00.we will be very pending thisnight with your report.although obstacles are reported,student’s parents give thethat combines summer classeswith camping activities.mariela salgado tells him howcheck in.mariela: started the programsummer summer raise I was looking forlift students from the abysswhat the pandemic left them inacademic matter.>> the matter that is acidiccan do…>> sports.>> he likes eisbol, helike to run a bike, everythingthat.mariela: the program invitesthe aspects of a campin summer put sports, dances,robotics and instructionDifferent materials.the mayor made a visit and in ahappy tomorrow said that theprogram helpsfriends, that wings of 400counselors are helping youin the emotional aspect.we still found out, asafeguards the well-being ofstudents have their ownworries.>> many families say thatThey are on the waiting list.another problem has been with thetransport.we are concerned aboutchildren who are learning tospeak in english.also with the children ofdisabilities, since eachoffer support tostudents.many families still do not knowwhat kind of support are you going toreceive your children.mariela: besides that you knowabout bruce poblacón and missingfor support, we contactededucation department.They answered that there have beeninteés in the program with wingsof 200,000 students and what is itadding to the master wings.however, they are endingspaces for everyone toparticipate and there are more successesadditional.you can register in thesummer program.as of today, 400 placesthey offer summer mealsfree.send text message to877877 with the word “food”.the program is offered in 20school campuses of thetown.remember that it is free. in order toto the information, connect withthe department of education in