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This Month’s 19 Screenshots from Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder That Will Leave You Questioning Humanity with their Wildness.

In this digital age, dating apps have become the norm for people looking for love, companionship, or even just a quick hookup. However, with millions of users swiping left and right, the world of online dating can be a strange and wild place. From bizarre bios to cringe-worthy pickup lines, the dating app experience can make you question humanity. In this article, we’ve gathered 19 wild screenshots from Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder that will make you laugh, cringe, and maybe even rethink your decision to ever try online dating. Get ready to see the good, the bad, and the downright weird.

Dating apps can make finding love and companionship easier, but they can also be a breeding ground for some truly awful messages. From the slightly cringeworthy to the downright disturbing, here are 19 terrible dating app messages that will make you want to delete your account and crawl under a rock.

1. This brilliant geographer:

“Hey, did you know that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line? I’m a geography major, so I know all about straight lines. Want to go on a date?”

It’s great that this person has a passion for geography, but perhaps they should brush up on their flirting skills before hitting send next time.

2. This “successful American man”:

“I’m a successful American man looking for a beautiful and intelligent woman to share my life with. Are you the one?”

This message reeks of entitlement and arrogance. It’s not a good look.

3. This cruel bully who should have her dating app privileges revoked:

“I saw your profile and had to message you. You’re so ugly I can’t believe anyone would match with you.”

There’s no excuse for this kind of behavior. This person is a bully and should be reported.

4. This dating app veteran who is DONE:

“I’ve been using dating apps for years and I’m tired of all the games. I just want to find someone real. Is that too much to ask?”

It’s understandable to feel frustrated with dating apps, but starting off with a negative attitude isn’t going to help anyone.

5. This grammar-challenged Casanova:

“Hey, how u doin? I like ur profile pic, u look hot. Want to chat?”

If you’re going to put in the effort to message someone, at least take the time to write properly.

6. This creep who should keep things to himself:

“I couldn’t help but notice how sexy your profile picture is. I bet you look even better in person. Want to meet up?”

This person clearly has no boundaries and is approaching the situation in a completely inappropriate way.

7. This “nice guy” stranger who is totally not a creep:

“Hey, just wanted to say hi and tell you that I think you’re beautiful. I’m not like those other guys, I promise.”

Any time someone has to proclaim that they’re a “nice guy” or “not like those other guys,” it’s already a red flag.

8. This guy who had to give his unsolicited opinion:

“I noticed you have some tattoos. I think they ruin women’s bodies.”

This person clearly has some outdated and sexist views that are best left unshared.

9. This self-pitying, self-proclaimed “weirdo”:

“I know I’m a weirdo and nobody likes me, but maybe you can give me a chance?”

Self-deprecation isn’t attractive, and it’s not a good idea to start off a conversation by putting yourself down.

10. This guy who actually thinks his opener is going to lead to a conversation:

“Knock, knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? Don’t cry, we haven’t even gone on a date yet!”

This might work with some people, but it’s best to leave the cheesy pick-up lines in the past.

11. This complete and utter troll:

“I’m really into feet. Do you have any pictures of your toes?”

It’s best to ignore messages like this entirely and report the user to the app’s moderators.

12. This guy who is totally trustworthy and not at all a weirdo:

“I promise I’m not a serial killer. Want to get a drink sometime?”

Any time someone has to promise they’re not a serial killer, it’s already a bad sign.

13. This person who is definitely trying to lure people to their house:

“I have a hot tub at my place. Want to come over for a soak?”

It’s never a good idea to invite someone you haven’t met in person over to your house.

14. This rampant misogynist:

“I think women belong in the kitchen. Want to make me a sandwich?”

This kind of proposition is disgusting and should be met with a swift block and report.

15. This unfortunately honest guy:

“I’m really just looking for a hookup. Is that something you’re interested in?”

While it’s not necessarily a bad thing to be honest about what you’re looking for, it’s important to approach it in a respectful way.

16. This man who is trying to meet women by immediately insulting them:

“You’re pretty cute for a (insert race here). Want to grab a drink sometime?”

Dating apps have given rise to a disturbing trend of racial fetishization that needs to be called out and shut down.

17. This guy with no manners or restraint:

“I’m not going to lie, I’m really horny right now. Want to come over?”

It’s never appropriate to be this forward in a first message.

18. This person who clearly doesn’t understand what “dating” means:

“I’m actually married, but my wife won’t give me what I need in bed. Want to be my side-piece?”

This kind of behavior is not only unethical, it’s also illegal. Report this user immediately.

19. Finally, this straight shooter:

“I’m going to be honest with you. I have no idea how to open this conversation. Hi?”

There’s nothing wrong with admitting you’re at a loss for words. In fact, it’s refreshing and humanizing.

In conclusion, dating apps can be a minefield of terrible messages and inappropriate behavior. But by holding users accountable and reporting any disturbing messages, we can work to create a safer and more respectful online dating environment.

In conclusion, the world of online dating can be a wild and unpredictable place. These 19 screenshots from Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder serve as a reminder that while digital connections can be convenient, they also come with their fair share of risks and challenges. From the bizarre to the downright cringe-worthy, these snapshots showcase the strange side of swiping left and right. While it’s easy to dismiss these images as a product of a few individuals’ poor judgment or sense of humor, they also serve as a larger commentary on the state of dating today. As we continue to navigate the ups and downs of virtual romance, it’s important to approach each potential match with both caution and an open mind. Who knows, the person behind the screen might just surprise you.

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