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this mistake at Christmas triggers the tax authorities

It is not the withdrawal of cash that triggers the alarm by the Revenue Agency but another operation

Italian Post Office (Adobe Photo)

2022 will also be a year of various changes when it comes to money. From higher paychecks thanks to cuts on personal income taxes to the revaluations of pensions to bring them into line with the inflation that has been galloping for some months. The single universal allowance will also make its debut, taking the place of the family allowance, benefiting large families above all. The movements of money cash with a return to the past intended to raise the bar in the fight against tax evasion.

Postal books, watch out for the operation

postal books

In fact, the limit of 999.99 for cash payments will be passed. These must be done with traceable tools such as electronic cards, wire transfers, checks. However, the limit does not apply to withdrawals and deposits related to your current account. The same goes for the postal books. However, checks can be triggered for these and not so much for withdrawals. The operation that could turn on the indicator light of the Revenue Agency is the payment of cash on postal books.

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In the specific case of gifts from parents and grandparents to children and grandchildren, much more frequent especially at Christmas, it will be enough to specify in the causal the reason for the operation, i.e. a simple gift to a child or grandchild, to avoid penalties by the Revenue Agency. In other cases, however, when you pay money into a passbook and you do not have a valid documented justification, it is possible to suffer a penalty of 1000 euros.

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The reason that can trigger the sanction in case of payment lies in the fact that money is paid when it is received from another source. If this source is unclear according to the movements of the Bank account it is presumed that they come from income hidden from the state coffers, undeclared and untaxed.

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