let’s get to know themdetails.Rafael: Thank you very much.excellent work.the general shootingconcern among ourmeans of mass transportation,to find out what theauthorities’ strategieslet’s talk with himsergeant úñez, yesterdaywe had, thanks forget up early with us, whenwe had we didn’t have thename of the person of interest,we already know who it is andany quick question forcontext purposes, whyperson of interest and not suspicious?>> precisely calls theattention that yesterday whenstarted this we saw in thevideo of the train arriving at 36,first looking at thescenes what it seemedpremature at conferencewhere even not knowing theidentity of the person, not yethaving knowledge I thinkconsider it prematureautomatically allmedia and the police at onceThey ruled out that he could havea terrorist since theprotocol is usuallywhen there is this impactinitially what is terrorismuntil it is provenopposite and this issignificant because being there ifstarted the investigation,to resources because enter intofbi resources todifference if it isa normal case is onlylocal agency, but if it is veryinteresting what is now saidonly interesting person, I thinkthat this does not end here,unfortunate this situationyou are living in the city,shootings continue in the bronxand and the city is going throughfor a wave that everyonewe’re suffering.rafael: the wave as a waitress nothrow what to do with that factof yesterday but it is something massivein all five boroughs but incrossed the line wax desthen this would becomea federal crime if it weresuspicious and there is evidencecommitted.>> ok, what called meattention is the beginning butalthough in this particular casethe measure was already mayortalked about patrolman in thesubway of all that, always theadvice for citizensindependent at all timesgive me case that we should bealert our environment and thatsafety begins with youitself, security must bepart of your daily routine,whether work goes,is returning what we areshopping, we always have tobe attentive to ourprevention of not being victim.Rafael: I’m not saying it’s easylisten to it but at the timerun, yesterday I listened to acool person who saysnever going to ride a trainafter this event, qéadvises as an expertachieve that security?>> that reaction is like whenwe have an accidentautomotive, we are afraid,it is normal but the advice isthat has to surpassDespite that fear, you have tocontinue life becausesuppose this isterrorist and in it aperson since to my understandingimagine that a train enterswhere thousands of passengers are,if we are afraid of that, then we already do itwe are letting winpurpose they are looking forcrazy people creating chaoscautious but don’t let eitheraffect our freedom.rafael: next steps in theinvestigation executors ofpart of the police>> as you say now I knowinteresting person because it iswho did it, where did itwhen did it but you willimportant is because, whatmotivation, in the cameras,videos and the audience that willto be crucial in this, it is necessary thatcorroborate that precisely andThe investigation will continuehopefully only the endwe will discover and wish that theperson had the netssocial, it is a person whoindicates that we have people withmental disorders which isproblem the city, which ispart this imperfect equation,which indirectly has acorrelation with what is