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This makes Fredrik Solvang nervous

NRK profile Fredrik Solvang (43) has been in the business for a number of years, but it is only in recent years that he really has become one of the largest channels in the state channel. He has worked as a program manager for “Dagsnytt 18”, and has been a journalist in “Dagsrevyen”. Now, on the other hand, it is the “debate” he is best known for – where he grills everything from politicians to influencers at the best of his time.

Several times he has been praised for his sharp temper. If the interview object turns away, viewers can curse that there will be a quick “answer to the question” shortly after.

PRICES: Earlier this month, Fredrik Solvang was awarded a Gold Route for Best Program Leader. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB scanpix
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Many obviously appreciate the 43-year-old’s behavior, which may be why he was awarded a Gold Route Award for Best Program Leader earlier in June.

“When you sit down and watch” The Debate, “the editors know very well that you can quickly zap for something else, preferably entertainment. That’s why I’m incredibly grateful, and proud, to have won a Gold Route for a program that basically calls for community engagement, which should provoke but also entertain, “he wrote in social media after receiving the award.

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The cards close to the chest

Se og Hør met Solvang in advance of the distribution, where he rarely interviewed the press corps in attendance. The program manager is often perceived as notoriously private, but talked more than happy about the demanding job – when Se and Hørre’s reporter wondered if he ever gets nervous.

– I do not want to reveal what makes me nervous, then it can be used against me, he grins, before he continues:

– No, then. It happens that I get nervous in situations I’ve never been in before. What you see in the studio is me as a program manager, where I have spent a lot of time preparing myself. There I have a kind of takeover, but in other situations, the nervousness can appear, says Solvang.

EXCITING: Farmen celebrity program director Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen comments on the new program manager colleague Mads Hansen in the sister program Farmen. Video: Steffen Pettersen / Red Runner
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Solvang has previously stated that he does not want much private information about himself, for fear of not being perceived as independent. In a interview with Dagbladet a few years ago was fine:

CONTRIBUTIVE ACTIVITY: Solvang tells Se and Listen that he is not on the lat side when the cameras are off.  Photo: Kristian Ridder-Nielsen / Dagbladet
ACTIVE CONTRIBUTION: Solvang tells Se and Listen that he is not on the lat side when the cameras are turned off. Photo: Kristian Ridder-Nielsen / Dagbladet
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“You still know something about this 40-year-old Solvang, just by doing a search online. He is adopted from South Korea, lives in Majorstuen with his partner, has bonus children, tries to catch fish two to three times a week, but otherwise loves unhealthy food. ”

During his years in public, he has been so private. He has at least retained his independence, as evidenced by the Gold Route Prize and the confidence of the Norwegian people. Today, the 43-year-old tells Se and Hör that he himself often contributes actively in advance of sending.

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– There will be many phones. You need to talk to several people so that you get properly prepared and get a good impression of the person you are going to interview. And then you have to read a lot. That is probably the most important thing, he says, and continues:

– I must emphasize that I have the best people around me in the editorial, which I probably would not have managed without. But ultimately, I also do a lot of research myself, he explains, emphasizing that he thus has a takeover.

TEMPERAMENT: “Farm Celebrity” program director Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen wants to see Jørgine “Funkygine” Vasstrand in his program. It probably won’t happen at first. Video: Red Runner / TV 2
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Shouts the dream debate

However, that’s not all you can prepare for a hundred percent. Although Solvang seems powerful with all of the interview items that crash into the studio at Marienlyst, he occasionally dares to meet some of them.

– It certainly happens that I’m dreading. I was not looking forward to interviewing Nicolai Tangen, the new head of the Oil Fund, for example, he explains.

Solvang visited the incoming oil fund manager at the end of May for a long-awaited interview about the position he was to take in. For Solvang it is everyday to interview such social leaders, but it is – according to himself – not something you can get quite used to .

FEAR FAIL: Fredrik Solvang has an inner fear that something will happen right away.  Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and Hear
FEAR FAILURE: Fredrik Solvang has an inner fear that something will happen immediately. Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and Listen
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He also carries a small fear that something will go wrong right away.

– We have a tight line in time, and if someone “shocks” or if a telephone connection fails, we have to fill the remaining time. Then I suddenly stand there with the beard in the mailbox. It is probably one of the worst that could have happened, he grins.

– Happy Holidays

Solvang hopes none of these things happen if his dream debate can once be arranged. See and hear ask which case he could have imagined to discuss, if he had the freedom to choose.

– It’s a big question, but I’ve been thinking a little about our neighbors in the Nordic region lately. It had been exciting to have a debate with the Scandinavian leaders and other politicians about the corona measures. Yes, it is pretty nerdy, but it would have been fun, says Solvang.

ALSO READ: Become a program manager

In the throat of the host: – Screaming of shame

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