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This is your luck! Know your Horoscope for this Monday, June 29, 2020

Today the stars dawned misaligned, so for today you will know what will go wrong according to your sign zodiacal.

The universe is tired of injustices in the world and that is why it has decided to teach everyone a lesson, included the signs zodiacal. Dare to read what will go wrong for you this day of the week.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Stop being so ambitious and zappy, As you always do. In the long run, it can bring you problems. As for example, that they run you from work for this cause. Does it sound familiar to you?



Taurus (April 21-May 21)

You are stubborn with desire and when you want to get something, you don’t hold back and you take whoever you are. If you continue like this, your arbitrariness can cost you dearly. For example, that that friend with whom you are excited or your girlfriend, if you have.



Gemini (May 22-June 21)

You are very unfair and you know how to hide it well, because normally you can take people where you are most interested. Watch out! Your manipulative arts may fail you one day, like Monday, for example. And leave in your hands a loving or … friendly disaster. Appeal to honesty and remember that two think better than one. Learn to listen.



Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Your social isolation as a result of your nostalgia that characterizes you is only going to make things worse between you and the world around you. Make an effort to distract yourself and find a solution to that problem you are thinking about so many times. Otherwise, today you might think about suicide and that is not the way out.



Leo (July 23-August 22)

We know that you are loyal, proud, brave and splendid. You must be careful of all those who flatter you, because remember that many do it, because they are afraid that the Rey of the Zodiac beat them up good. Beware of false friends! … Anyway, hypocrisy.



Virgo (August 23-September 23)

The frankness that characterizes you may have gotten you into some problems. Remember that not everyone likes to know things as they are and this Monday, a person will probably look for you and ask you to clarify what you said on some occasion. Shows temperance.



Libra (September 23-October 22)

Refusing to see reality does not nullify or erase what is happening. Although you are a sign of much BalanceYou must remember that we live in difficult times and sometimes it is better to face them than to avoid them. Take this Monday to start resolve problems from the root.



Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Take advantage of that one up your sleeve and subtly take revenge on that person who played you crooked. Remember to be kind, but not stupid. And if you water it, the others always exist 4 days of the week to remedy it.



Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

As a sign of fire that you are, you must take care of yourself twice for that impulsiveness that characterizes you. One day your revenge against those people who have hurt you can be returned to you. Remember that even if you apologize innocently and they believe you, they are not worth it if you don’t really feel it. Take this Monday to regret stuff that you have done for no apparent reason.



Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

Even if you have your feet firmly planted in the land, you must recognize that your dark side It includes resentment and pessimism. More than regretting your revengeful acts, you like to remember them and even if they hurt, you will not be weak before anyone. Take this Monday to show that you are sensitive and tomorrow you continue with those traps that you have been plotting.



Aquarius (January 22-February 21)

Today is the day to break the monotony that has you fed up in this confinement. Not knowing what day you live on can break your head. Use that you are above many on an intellectual level and remind that person who underestimated you. You will see that he soon regrets and retracts what he said. And you, it will feel good to feel admired by him opponent.



Pisces (February 22-March 20)

It’s hard for you to accept that you could lose what you love the most, so you become possessive. Pisces: life is full of changes, whatever you do, there are things you cannot avoid. Venture to take the first step of the end this Monday to that which has tormented you so much. Remember, if it comes back it’s yours and if not, it never was.




Sorry, if I was right, I would agree with you. Robin Williams

By: Digital Writing El Heraldo de México


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