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This is why Princess Charlene smiles little in photos

The corners of the princess’s mouth Charlene of Monaco rarely shoot up in photos. She is well aware of this, she tells the South African magazine Housemate.

a lot of worries

Princess Charlene is a sight to see and we prefer to see her smile as often as possible. Yet we must admit: we rarely spot Her Majesty with a spontaneous smile on her face.

Why, you might think? The princess has the answer: “People are very quick to say ‘oh, why isn’t she smiling in pictures?’ Well, sometimes it’s hard to laugh. They don’t know what’s going on in the background.” By this, the royal refers to the loss of two good friends in a short time and her worries about her father’s health. She’s also been worrying a lot lately her own health.

Princess Charlene’s face is usually unhappy. Image: BrunoPress

Longing for home

Homesickness also plays a major role for Charlene. “I have the privilege of living this life, but I miss my family and friends in South Africa and I am often sad because I can’t always be there for them.” Fortunately for the princess, her two children (twins Jacques and Gabriella) often make her laugh. The happiest pictures are usually those with her second kids.

Source: Housemate | Image: BrunoPress

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