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this is why an office job makes you hungry all day long

Recognizable: you sit behind your laptop and you get cravings in sweet or savory snacks. And that while the break has just ended. No worriesbecause there is indeed a connection with a office job and be hungry all day long.

hungry brain

On the contrary, you might think that a physical job makes you more hungry because you are constantly moving and therefore burn more calories. But nothing turns out to be less true, because even in a job where you sit still a lot, you can get very hungry. This is because you brain have to work hard all day long.

In an office job you are often very dependent on your brain. Mentally hard work is actually just as taxing on the body as physically hard work. After all, you focus and concentrate continuously and that requires more fuel from your body than with a physical job where you walk a lot. In fact, your brain is the ‘hungiest’ organ. They therefore consume the most energy.

Energy consumption

Researchers from the University of Northumbria investigated whether it is true that people with an office job are also extra hungry. This showed that a period of intensive cognitive processing by the brain is actually associated with increased energy consumption. So if you think a lot, you get more hungry.

That is why you usually feel like lunch at 11 o’clock, and that you would like to empty your entire snack drawer at the end of the afternoon. Food = fuelSo even with an office job it is important to eat well. The more we know!

Bron: Happy in Shape | Beeld: iStock

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