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This is when Epy Kusnandar is caught in confinement, is it angry or not?


The boss of Preman Pensiun, Epy Kusnandar, was caught in an isolation. Here’s the reaction

GridOto.com – The tightness of the insulation is related ban on Lebaran 2021 homecoming indiscriminately, as experienced Epy Kusnandar, actor Kang Mus in soap operas Retired Thugs.

This can be seen in the video uploaded by the Instagram account @infojawabarat, Monday (17/5/2021).

In his role in soap operas Retired Thugs, Epy Kusnandar has an assertive nature.

Then, did he also show his attitude like Kang Mus?

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It turned out that, instead of getting angry like a thug, Epy seemed friendly to the officers.

With a big smile, he served the officer who asked for a group photo.

There were also officers holding Epy’s files in the middle of the impromptu photo session.

It is suspected that because the files to pass through were complete, the boss of Preman Pensiun was allowed to pass.

But not a few accused him of escaping because of his figure as a public figure.

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