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This is what the Oder River looks like in Wroclaw. Satellite images leave no doubt

On Sunday evening, the level of the Oder at the water gauge in Trestno was 527 cm, on Monday it is expected to be even lower and fall to 523 cm. However, the condition of the fall of the river does not change its brown color, which is clearly visible in the pictures taken by satellite in early September and now.

In addition, flood water floods various things, including food and cosmetics, so you should be especially careful. Flooded areas can be rich in different types of bacteria, including fecal bacteria and E. coli. You should be careful not only now, but also after the rain subsides.

Flood 2024. The wave on the Oder is heading for the border with Germany

The flood limit was reached on the River Odra Nowa Sól in the Lubuskie Voivodeship; the highest water level is still in Głogów, further up the river the water has already started to fall.

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According to IMWM data, the destination was expected to be in Nowa Sól around 23 Sunday. The maximum rainfall is expected to be around 660 cm, slightly lower than expected. According to the Lubuskie fire brigade, Nowa Sól is very secure and major floods should not occur.

Higher on the Oder, in Głogów, the highest water level is maintained for several hours, reaching 685 cm. According to IMWM data, the storm should end and the rain should begin to subside by Monday morning at the latest. The Odra River did not flow out of its bed near Głogów, and flooding occurred in the Krzeptów estate and in the town of Przedmostie due to a backflow of the Czarna River. In Głogów itself, both tracks of the Wrocław-Zielona Gora railway line, which ran through tracks over the river, were closed. Trains on this route will be running for now.

2024-09-23 03:23:09

#Oder #River #Wroclaw #Satellite #images #leave #doubt

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