Home » today » Health » This is what the lungs of a young man infected with coronavirus COVID-19 look like

This is what the lungs of a young man infected with coronavirus COVID-19 look like

Contrary to what some may still believe, age is not a one hundred percent guarantee of protection against infection with the new coronavirus.

“The bias that COVID-19 has for special risk groups, the elderly population or people with underlying diseases is widely portrayed. But that does not mean that young people are not at risk of becoming seriously ill and ill, ”says infectologist Edwin Silva.

He adds that “one of the most dramatic things that we have to see in intensive care units is precisely people in their 20s, 30s, 40s. Seeing young people fighting for their lives in this epidemic affects the morale of the workforce. ”

Although severe cases are much lower in young people and depend on multiple factors, there is still no way of knowing for sure who will be the one who gets worse.

“You wonder, when you see a young patient fighting for his life, where he was, what was the infectious dose he received. In this it is important to remember: avoid closed places, conglomerates and where we have close contacts, “says Silva, explaining that” these three elements in a physical space are the perfect storm to infect us. “

The expert also affirms that, due to their greater mobility, young people play a decisive role in the dynamics of infections, since they have more contact with other people, whether for work or other reasons. “You are more at risk of bringing the disease to the core of your family,” he says.

We are all susceptible, we must all protect ourselves! Young people can change the course of this pandemic.

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