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This is what the Austria fans say after the botched Bundesliga opener against BW Linz » abseits.at

After the European Cup defeat against Ilves Tampere, FK Austria Wien also lost their opening match in the Bundesliga against FC Blau-Weiß Linz. We want to see what the fans say about their team’s performance. All comments are from the Austrian Soccer BoardAustria’s largest football discussion forum.

hope and glory: “After the defeat against the Finns, I expected a different face from our team in Linz. Unfortunately, we were disappointed again. The Linz team was more aggressive, reacted faster, and was more willing to run and fight. Our goal should have counted. Nevertheless, our performance was, once again, unworthy of Austria.”

perception: “Blau-Weiß Linz changes things up at halftime and Helm has nothing to counter it. Simply scandalous.”

MVP2021: “Blue-White doesn’t know how they won. Actually, yesterday it was a classic 0:0, because neither team was particularly dangerous, but we conceded another unnecessary goal in the end. The mood is pretty low now. We’ve gotten worse in goal, our defense is shaky, everyone in midfield is out of form and Barry hasn’t learned that, and we’ve got no one up front at the moment either. Gruber and Huskovic are completely out of form. Helm isn’t a particularly good coach either, so I’m not seeing much hope for this half-year – Drago isn’t a messiah either.

Hurrican: “Lost by an offside goal, or at least it was close. The VAR can resolve it however it wants. Our goal didn’t count and they didn’t even resolve it. Basically, we’re already in the Rue de La Kack after four games. Turning point will be difficult!”

FAKforever1911: “Well, the opponent’s coach makes a change in the second half and it’s all over for us. We’ve messed up the first six-point game against a team in danger of relegation.”

Old estate: “We had to be happy that we weren’t behind after just 90 seconds. After that, the first half was fairly OK for our standards. However, we only had one real chance to score. That’s not enough. Otherwise, as usual, pretty harmless. Prelec should have potential. In this environment and the negative energy that is currently prevailing, which is thanks to the sporting leadership, he probably won’t be able to call on that any time soon. The second half was as I would have expected from the start. Fitz’s interview says it all anyway. In essence: “The opponent changed their system during the break, and after that we struggled.” So our coach couldn’t react to that. So the opponent’s coach was able to decide the game for BW Linz through tactical measures. When Huskovic and Fischer came on, it was clear to me that we were going to lose today…”

Austria_WAC: “A brilliant performance from everyone. We mustn’t forget the violets, blue and white and the VAR. Three parties were dueling on equal terms.”

Dave Gahan: “Helm is overwhelmed as a coach, but he is not solely to blame for the misery. Rather, the person who installed him in this position is.”

real-austrian: “Out of four compulsory matches, all against clearly lower squad values, we lost three and won one against a regional league team. We will have to fight hard to avoid relegation.”

The1Riddler: “Motto for the season: I won’t say anything negative anymore, it’s pointless. Every point we get this year is one more point against relegation. Positive: I like Prelec as a striker.”

Phlox91: “Mr. Helm has been given his first Bundesliga game as head coach, and it can be left at that now. Thanks for nothing.”

Pinkman: “The substitutions were just something, after the 0-1 there was hardly anything dangerous on the pitch anyway. Fitz will remain Fitz, he will probably never be a grown-up footballer, far too many slumps, he should have been sold long ago and new fire should have been brought in. The helmet will probably soon be over and will be paid for walking again.”

culixo: “Fitz at number six is ​​a brilliant idea. It makes us even more vulnerable defensively and less dangerous offensively. Perhaps we can put Prelec or Malone in that position soon – can they maybe play as a defender? Today we only lived off our individual class offensively, despite the system. And defensively, with our basic formation, we get torn apart by any opponent who isn’t as flawed as BW. When they managed something today, it was always a real blast. VAR was against us as usual, of course. The goal that wasn’t given was a real spectacle.”

brastei: “I’m sorry, but as long as Mr. Helm is coach, I won’t go to any away games. It’s not for watching. Obviously no plan, no tactics, no automated running routes and much more. Thanks for nothing, Mr. Helm.”

maxglan: “Do all the smooth talkers and hopefully Jürgen Werner finally realise that we need a number six? Putting Fitz there is actually a cry for help from the coach. It’s unbelievable how anyone could think that the squad is so good.”

In the Austrian Soccer Board you will find Further fan opinions after the 0:1 defeat of the Violets against FC Blau-Weiß Linz.

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