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This is what parents will pay the most for childcare in 2023

It was already known that the additional increase in childcare allowance from 1 January 2023 is not sufficient to cover the increase in hourly childcare rates. But how much money will parents be spending on childcare this year? De Volkskrant had a calculation made.

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Even if it adds nearly 2 percent; the increased compensation from the government for childcare reimbursement is still far from enough, said Jeroen Pernot of net contribution.nl According to him, parents still have no idea how much they will actually spend on childcare costs in 2023. De Volkskrant asked net Contribution.nl to calculate this and what people fear turns out to be true: families with incomes low, in particular, have to pay more due to high hourly rates. Which reports the Volkskrant.

Nursery: 9.72 per hour

On average, hourly rates for daycare will rise to €9.72 per hour. From 1 January this year, the government will reimburse ‘only’ a maximum of 9.12 euros; the maximum hourly rate. This means that parents on low incomes have to pay 60 cents an hour themselves.

Hundreds of euros more

Net Contribution.nl calculated for de Volkskrant that for a single parent household with an income of up to €27,000 in 2023, the annual personal contribution will increase from €2,746 to €3,509 for three days of childcare for two children. A parent with a child who goes to nursery school for two days pays 1,104 instead of 869 euros for the same income.

Families with higher incomes will also pay significantly more. Three days of treatment for two children will cost around €6,500 in 2023 for middle-income earners, compared to €5,500 in 2022.

Assistance to guest parents and extracurricular assistance

The average hourly rate that host parents charge this year is 7.06 euros. Of this, the government reimburses a maximum of 6.85 euros for the lowest incomes. The gap between the state contribution and the hourly rates is the widest in the extracurricular care sector: an average hour of extracurricular care costs €8.62, of which the state finances a maximum of €7.85 through the child custody. A difference of 77 cents.

The decree governing the linking of childcare allowance to hours worked will change from 2023. From then on, the number of hours worked by the least working parent will no longer determine the childcare allowance. This decision is especially appealing to parents with variable or irregular schedules, such as the self-employed. Read more

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