There are also prejudices and fears about the spread of scabies. THL’s expert explains what is known about the spread of scabies.
Will Finland soon be inhabited by a people itchy with scabies, who pay malta for not paying on time?
The number of scurvy diagnoses recorded in THL’s Avohilmo system has grown explosively in recent years. While 21,355 cases were recorded in the entire country in 2022, 37,190 cases were already recorded the following year.
In the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District (Hus), more and more patients have been seen for whom previous scabies treatments have not been effective.
Permethrin, which is used as a scabies medicine, no longer works as reliably, say doctors and patients.
Hus: Expensive twist
Husi’s specialist criticizes social intervention in Finland’s scabies situation. The article has been published on Husi’s website.
Medicines for scabies are expensive. They are not supported by Kela. If the tick cannot be tamed, the scabies will continue to spread.
A cycle is born, which Hus’s skin diseases line manager, senior physician Katariina Hannula-Jouppi describes as unreasonable for patients and families.
In addition, according to Hannula-Joup, the cycle is expensive for everyone.
– Due to a lack of funds, scabies that is poorly treated when it spreads creates a significant cost for the health care system and is an unreasonable situation for an individual patient or family, Hannula-Jouppi says in Husi’s article.
THL: There is no information on the spread of scabies
How difficult is the scabies situation in Finland?
Based on research data, not much can be said about the current scabies situation in Finland, says THL’s chief physician Leif Feast.
Not even whether the number of scabies cases has really exploded – or at all.
The number of diagnoses recorded in THL’s Avohilmo system has increased throughout the country. Lakoma says that there can be many factors in the background. For example, scabies may be better recognized today than before.
In Finland, measles infections are not monitored as systematically as, for example, influenza or norovirus. When there is news about the increase in cases of influenza and noro, we talk about laboratory-confirmed cases.
The situation is different with Syyhy. The doctor may have given the diagnosis, for example, over the phone.
The number given by the system is also inaccurate in the sense that it only records syphilitic diagnoses. If there are several infections in the same family, the diagnosis of only one is often recorded. Some cases remain hidden.
“Very, very rare”
According to Lakoma, there is no scientific evidence for the ineffectiveness of the drugs either.
It is difficult to study the resistance of the scabies mite. In Finland, two different medicines are mainly used to treat scabies, permethrin cream and ivermectin tablets.
– It would be very, very rare for the fungus to develop resistance to two different drugs, Lakoma says.
The reason for the drug’s ineffectiveness can sometimes be the wrong way of using it. You should remember to add permethrin cream after washing your hands. The cream must be left to work for a long time throughout the body.
– You should put cotton gloves on your hands at night so that the cream doesn’t rub off, says Lakoma.
What if the increase in the number of diagnoses is a sign of a true scabies spiral that cannot be controlled?
– Scabies has always existed in societies, and we will probably never get rid of it completely, says Lakoma.
– Scabies is an unpleasant problem, but not dangerous in itself. I would recommend that the scabies be treated anyway. If you scratch a lot, secondary inflammation of the skin can have more serious consequences.
Shame on the trash
In addition to spending money, seeking a syphilitic diagnosis can be made difficult by shame.
According to Lakoma, a scabies infection is like a flu or a stomach bug: it can strike anyone.
– Scabies is everywhere in society. There’s no need to feel ashamed about it.

The most obvious symptom of scabies is a painful itch, which occurs especially in the evenings and at night. Photo: Adobe Stock / AOP
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