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This is what happens to your body if you eat almonds every day

The National Almond Day It is celebrated today, February 16. Almonds are one of the most nutritious nuts that exist: they are a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamins B and E.

The almond It is the fruit of the tree of the species Prunus dulcusknown as almond tree, native to the Middle East.

A recommended frequent consumption of this dried fruitbut controlled, since by containing a lot of vitamin E if we consume it excessively they can cause lethargy, blurred night vision, diarrhea, abdominal swelling or diarrhea.

Most of the current almond production, 80%, occurs in the United States, where this day is highly celebrated. National Almond Day is a good excuse to get to know the properties of this dry fruit, which is used in Spain for the preparation of nougat and marzipan, among other foods.

We tell you what are the benefits of this dried fruit and the drawbacks of consuming it excessively.

benefits of almonds

Almonds are a source of essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. They also provide vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, choline carotene, vitamins E and A.

Consuming this dried fruit helps reduce total blood cholesterol and bad cholesterol. In adolescence, it provides potassium and calcium to the diet.

Almonds contain vitamin E and polyphenolswhich protect the body from oxidative damage that contributes to aging and several diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension.

In addition, it reduces the risk of suffering breast cancer, as is the case with walnuts.

What if I eat too many…?

It is recommended to consume between 15 and 30 grams of almonds, about two fists, daily to obtain the benefits that this great source of energy provides our body.

No food in excess is good, neither are almonds. A abusive consumption of this dried fruit can cause you some problems, such as:

  • Weight gain: The fat in almonds is quite healthy, but eating too much of these nuts will cause a weight gain.
  • Plus Vitamin E of the necessary: ​​this dry fruit is rich in Vitamin E that in excess can cause lethargy, blurred vision, headache, diarrhea, and flatulence.
  • Intestinal problems: almonds have a large amount of fiber, so excessive consumption could cause constipation and decrease the ability to absorb nutrients

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