The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obradorhas mentioned the phrase “this is what fachos are like” when commenting on the deployment of military forces around the Mexican Embassy in Quito, where the former vice president Jorge Glas is as a guest, who is subject to a preventive detention order issued by a judge, after the president’s government Daniel Noboa declared the Mexican ambassador in Quito “persona non grata.”
“I asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue a statement and warn international organizations that the right to asylum and our sovereignty must be respected.”López Obrador said in his morning press conference.
«So that they can’t raid the embassy. It is worth remembering that international law allows embassies to be considered part of our territory. Yesterday I was watching at night, I saw the excessive use of force surrounding the embassy, with a lot of arrogance, but that’s how the fachos are, eh…”adds the Mexican president.
Political asylum
Ecuador has not yet received an official notification from Mexico regarding the granting of political asylum to Jorge Glaswho was vice president of Rafael Correa (2007-2017) and at the beginning of the Government of Lenín Moreno (2017-2021), and who is prosecuted in a case that investigates alleged embezzlement (embezzlement).
“No official notification of the granting of asylum has yet been received,” a source from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility simply said when consulted by EFE about Mexico’s decision, which took place one day after Ecuador declared a person ” non grata” to the ambassador in Quito, Raquel Serur.
Former Vice President Glas entered the Mexican Embassy in Quito last December and shortly after requested asylum in that country.
Glas, who was released at the end of 2022 after serving five years in prison for two convictions for bribery and illicit association of eight and six years in prison, respectively, is being prosecuted for alleged embezzlement (embezzlement) in the ‘Reconstruction’ case of the coastal province of Manabí after the 2016 earthquake.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) of Mexico in a statement stated this Friday that “after an exhaustive analysis of the information received, the Government of Mexico has decided to grant political asylum to Mr. Jorge David Glas Espinel, who is currently in the Embassy of Mexico in Quito.”
Likewise, he noted that this decision will be officially communicated to the Ecuadorian authorities along with the request that they grant the respective safe passage, in accordance with the 1954 Diplomatic Asylum Convention, an international treaty to which Mexico and Ecuador are party states.
Persona non grata”
On Thursday, the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry reported that it invoked the principle of “non-intervention” in the internal affairs of another country and the Vienna convention to take the diplomatic measure that implies the departure of Serur from the country after the statements of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on the murder of former Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio and the apparent electoral consequences of that crime.
In addition, he indicated that the country is still experiencing “mourning” for the shooting crime in Villavicencio, which occurred in August of last year when the then presidential candidate was leaving an electoral political rally in a busy neighborhood in northern Quito in broad daylight.
The Mexican president commented on the consequences of Villavicencio’s murder in the context of last year’s presidential elections in Ecuador, which gave victory to the current president, businessman Daniel Noboa.
López Obrador said that, in his opinion, the crime in Villavicencio harmed above all Luisa González, the presidential candidate of the Citizen Revolution movement, led by former governor Rafael Correa (2007-2017), a follower of the so-called Socialism of the 21st Century.
For the Mexican president, he assured that there is social responsibility in the environment of situations of violence and said that the media does not escape from this either.
“In the context of the recent and very unfortunate statements by the President of Mexico,” the Ecuadorian Government “has decided to “declare the Mexican ambassador in Quito ‘persona non grata’,” by invoking “article 9 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,” the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.
“The country continues to face transnational organized crime that threatens the State, its democratic institutions and its population”, he added. EFE

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