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This is what eye color says about your health

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. But not only do they reveal our emotions, they also reveal a lot about our health.

eyes colour

For those who have escaped that all the zombies are out The walking dead not only hungry, but also very unhealthy – read: dead – he just had to look at the color of the whites of their eyes. The yellowish haze you see there indicates severe liver failure. But did you know that not only the whites of our eyes, but also the color of our iris says a lot about our health? The color of your iris and the lines it contains reveal your build. What constitution do you have? Read on quickly.

1. Blue (lymphatic) eyes

In a lymphatic blue eye, you will see wavy lines running through the iris. People with these eyes are more likely to have mucosal problems. Or problems in the intestines, airways, skin and abdomen. Do you have lymphatic blue eyes? Then you are probably not familiar with hay fever, a fungal infection, or a bladder infection. As for your character? You are probably compliant and put a lot of energy into the outside world. You want to be appreciated and it gives you satisfaction to help other people. This is your trap immediately, because forgetting yourself is lurking. The herbs that can be curative for this type, according to the iridologist, are calendula and trout. Delicious as an after-dinner cup of tea.

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2. Blue eyes (neurogenic)

In a neurogenic black eye, you see clean lines running through the iris. People with these eyes are more likely to experience nerve cramps and pain. Think of a spastic bowel, muscle cramps, and headaches. Do you have neurogenic blue eyes? Then you can be very worried. You are also dogmatic and can sometimes seem rigid. You are probably good enterprising and have great stamina. If others have already given up on you for a long time, move on. Lavender and lemon balm can be very relaxing for you.

3. Brown (biliary) eyes

This often affects light brown eyes with a lot of yellow. People with these eyes have a high chance of having digestive problems. You may also have problems with your liver, bile, or pancreas. Complaints often arise in this type of people at an advanced age (from thirty-five). Do you have bilious brown eyes? Then you are a fiery and enthusiastic type. You are expressive and outgoing. You probably have a lot of ideas and plans, but implementing them often leaves a lot to be desired. Dandelion tea is a godsend for you in times of stress.

4. Brown eyes (hemogenic)

This often affects dark brown eyes with no lines in the iris. A kind of velvety eye. This type has a higher risk of blood diseases. Young children often have an iron deficiency, and problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol can arise later in life. Fatigue also plays an important role. These people are warm-blooded and sociable. They are the protagonists of a party, but they can also be melancholy and pessimistic. Milk thistle and turmeric (turmeric powder) are especially healthy for these types in case of low resistance.

And the gray and green eyes?

You have gray or green eyes and you think: hey, where am I? No problem. According to Lisette, gray eyes are actually blue eyes with a lot of white. Then you are a lymphatic or neurogenic type. And green eyes fall under light brown eyes. You also often see that there is a little brown in green eyes. Then you are probably a biliary type.

Bron: Grace | Beld: iStock

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