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This is typical for the zodiac sign

The lion is a strong character, very self-confident, courageous and strong-willed. We tell you what the typical character traits of the zodiac sign are.

Leo loves to lead, be the center of attention, talk, be admired, and receive the praise and respect of others. You are majestic by nature and always adopt a boss-like stance in any relationship or group dynamic. The fire sign is confident, smart and seductive, however the lion can also be jealous, controlling and possessive.

lion period

Period: 23.07 – 23.08

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

These celebs are Leo

Typical characteristics of the zodiac sign


Leos work hard to earn respect in society, and in fact they usually end up being the prom queen or king and the focal point of any friend group. Your demands for praise, recognition, gratitude, and general admiration can get a little tiring.

Protective and possessive

Like a lion leading his pack, the zodiac sign sees his friends, family, relationship or even work colleagues as being under his “dominion” and he feels responsible for others, especially those whom the lion sees as vulnerable . Leos can’t stand rivals, and they will fight for the underdog all day long. This is one of the zodiac sign’s most admirable traits.

Natural leader

It never occurs to a Leo that someone else would be better suited to take the lead than themselves. In fact, their regal aura is usually enough to make others just follow and submit. However, this can sometimes come off as arrogance or an annoying “I know best” attitude. They love to give (unsolicited) advice.


Leos have an innate sense of drama and extravagance. Every social interaction is viewed as a scene where they are the entertainer, dominating the audience and receiving a standing ovation for every joke, anecdote, and tall tale. That means Leos are never boring, they can definitely entertain the crowd. But they would be reluctant to leave the stage to someone else.


When a Leo does something, it’s always in a big way, and it always has to be for the best. There is no second choice for Leo, nor is there any reason why they shouldn’t have exactly what they want, when they want it. That’s great when you’re benefiting from your “entitlements” around you, but it can get ugly when you’re the one trying to make your own rules and enforce them.


  • ambitious
  • confident
  • brave
  • loyal
  • open


  • uncritical
  • eitel
  • arrogant
  • controlling
  • egotistical

That’s how the lion loves

Whether you are a Leo woman or a Leo man, both love to be admired by their partner. Once you’ve caught a lion’s attention, they will be carried away with passion. Even on the first date, the lion likes to wear the generous pants and spreads his passion. However, the partner of a Leo must always know that in a Leo relationship one often plays second fiddle. A weakness of the zodiac sign is that Leos tend to always think of themselves first. Basically, a lion is always looking for the great love that they can protect and are happy to present to others. With a lion by your side, your partner has found a loyal zodiac sign, because he won’t give it away anymore.

These professions fit the zodiac sign

The lion can appear domineering and arrogant at work, but the lion simply always works hard to achieve his goals and he can brag about it sometimes. Leos are born bosses and entrepreneurs. When he works in the office, he is always the one who organizes, delegates and keeps an eye on everything. Leos aren’t afraid to give orders and don’t feel guilty about it. But Leos also like to surround themselves with fashion and everything that is beautiful. That’s why you often find lions as designers or in the fashion industry in general.

The lion likes that

Leos like showbiz and love being in the spotlight. Their natural confidence in engaging audiences and their desire for attention make Leos fantastic performers and entertainers. The stages and screens of the world are full of famous lions! Looking good is also a zodiac priority, especially when it comes to hair. All Leos spend fortunes and put in a lot of time tending to their locks. Her “mane” is always on point. Leos also love to rule groups. There’s a good chance that the Leo in your group of friends is the unofficial “secretary” because they always know where the hotspots are, where the hottest flirts hang out, and all because they have the energy to hold the whole group together. They also like to settle disputes in the group and keep everyone happy.

This is typical of the Leo woman

The Leo woman is super open and always dresses well. Her appearance is very important to her. The Leo woman is also a true fighter and stands up for others. It quickly turns from a little kitten to a big predator. Of course, the partner at your side must also look good. With her strength and self-confidence, a Leo woman can make things difficult for her admirer. The flirt has to work really hard and a Leo woman certainly doesn’t need a whiner.

That’s how the lion man ticks

The Leo man is very vain, has great pride and loves admiration. He likes to be the leader and also likes to have a crush of female suitors behind him who adore the Leo man. A flirt must by no means be shy to conquer the Leo man. Due to its self-confident and open nature, the fire sign needs a partner (or even prey) that it can proudly present to everyone.

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