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This is the zip code you must have in California to receive a US$500 payment: the requirements and how to request it

The state of California has been a pioneer in implementing guaranteed income programswith the aim of supporting the most vulnerable families. This year, the city of Long Beach presented the expansion of its program that gives 200 eligible households the opportunity to receive a monthly payment of $500 for 12 months.

The initiative is designed to provide a economic relief to families who meet certain criteriasuch as residing in specific zip codes that have been selected for their high need and the disproportionate impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The stimulus check seeks to provide more sustained and targeted support to low-income familiesFoto de Towfiqu barbhuiya en Unsplash

According to the city government in a official statementthe households reached belong to one of the following zip codes: 90802, 90804, 90805, 90806 or 90810Additionally, to be eligible, residents must meet certain requirements related to income level and the presence of minors in the home.

In that sense, the Long Beach Pledge focuses on supporting families that are below the federal poverty line and that have at least one child or dependent under the age of 18. This means that selected households must face significant economic hardship. The eligibility criteria also They consider the size of the home and the amount of incomeallowing more families to access the program.

The Long Beach Pledge focuses on supporting families who are below the federal poverty line and who have at least one child or dependent under the age of 18.GETTY IMAGES

The Long Beach Pledge was launched in 2022 as part of the Long Beach Recovery Act, a broader plan to help local residents and businesses hit hard by the pandemic. In its first phase, the program benefited 250 households in the 90813 ZIP code, providing them with monthly payments of $500.

The expansion of this program has been made possible by additional funding of US$1.2 million provided by the local emergency declaration on homelessness. This measure reflects the City of Long Beach’s commitment to finding innovative solutions to prevent homelessness by prioritizing support for at-risk families. The goal is to provide an economic safety net that allows beneficiaries to cover basic needs while stabilizing themselves financially.

The selection process took place in January of this year, when applications for the second group of beneficiaries were opened. Those affected by this measure have multiple withdrawal methodsincluding bank transfers and prepaid cards.

Eligibility criteria also consider household size and amount of income.Freepik

One of the highlights of the Long Beach Pledge is its focus on evaluation and measurement of results. An independent research team is responsible for monitor the impact of the program on the beneficiary familieswith the aim of collecting data that can contribute to the national conversation on the viability of a guaranteed income for all. This analysis seeks to demonstrate the positive effects that a recurring income can have on the financial and emotional stability of low-income families.

As more cities and states explore similar guaranteed income models, Long Beach is positioned as an example of how local governments can implement effective solutions and data-driven approaches to addressing economic inequality. While the program is limited in scope in terms of the number of beneficiaries, its results could set a precedent for future initiatives across the U.S.


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