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This is the weather forecast for this Wednesday night in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

presented yesterday thepeople’s lawyers.íctor: we return with jeúsÓpez and the full report ofweather conditions.How does Christmas Eve andjeús: good afternoon everyone.Christmas paints a bitunstable.let’s talk about theactual conditions.we have heaven mostlyclear, a little cloudyour area.but we do not anticipate anytype of precipitation.tonight and dawnthey will be trustworthy. the sensationthermal is going to feel.39 not at all, three out of five. or the wind is the factor oftoday.up to 20 miles per hour.look at those gusts of windthat remain from 30 to 35miles per hour.that makes the temperaturesthey close much harsher.there we will continue in thenight. you have to have a lotcaution, specifically ifit will come out at dawn.wear gloves and washscarf.give him the thread.in the early morning with enoughthread.change because the low pressureIt is towards the north not fromour area.if you want to see a christmas evefestive, let’s have a littleof snow.if you blink a lot, you willgo the snow, because then it doesIt’s use 5:15 a.m.tomorrow we can see thesnow. give calm, stamp andat christmas dawnwe have rain in our area,from 1:00 in the morning.for christmas eve, temperaturemaximum 46 and rainthe morning, that is, for himChristmas.for Friday 46th and for theSaturday 49 . for this sunday,

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