Home » today » News » This is the weather forecast for this Tuesday in New York. | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

This is the weather forecast for this Tuesday in New York. | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

web page.hope: we pass immediatelywith liliana allende, so thatgive us the weather report.liliana: Wednesday at thetomorrow we are going to clear alittle of that bad weather thathas accompanied during the end ofweek. tomorrow we will have atouch of snow with somerains. so far everything isfairly quiet. there is a lotcloudiness behind thatstorm that affected us thismorning. in the new york areacity ​​is somewhat quiet.temperature increases comefor Wednesday. earlyin the morning we will not haveproblems. but we have alight touch of light snowby 1:00 in the afternoon.will pass through the area ofmanhattan, queens. el mércolesan increase arises very close to50 °.remember tomorrow factorsensation at 63 °. we will havesome beautiful ones he went to abbot

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