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This is the weather forecast for this Sunday night in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

from Ecuador reported that themovement was also felt inthat pís. at the moment I don’t knowreport victims or damagematerials in any of theinformation we return withstephanie who has usdetails. fortunately therain is going to retreat and we are going tostart the week withnice and dry conditions.but for now we aremonitoring the arrival ofdownpours on the radar to thewest of the city reachedthe five boroughs near the10:00 at night the firstdownpours and heavier nearin the morning and then it startsescape and the sky clearsto start the week. we seeas we reached about 40% andmeans thatthe downpours will be scattered andwe see temperatures tonightthat remain the 70. at8:00 at night they haveplans to go out cando. can you see this roundheavy wings near the only mediumin the morning that could affectparts of queenwe see some rainpassengers in the afternoon.in fact, we started the daycool with 66 just over and overtomorrow a day with temperatures8 below usualwith a maximum that we hopeclose to 80 again. and howlook the whole week, come onto have rain Monday and Tuesday,increases the probability ofrush and let’s seeHow the temperatures toofor the whole week

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