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This is the weather forecast for this Saturday in Dallas | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

the ice brokethat had been formed.tonight thethermometer at temperaturesfreezers.nelly, although we already saw therisk of walking through placesfrozen, what other dangersWe can see?nelly: never leave the childrenplay near a lake that isfrozen, obviously anyarea with deep waters thatmay be frozen, a lotcareful, especially tomorrowin the morning because we stilla strong frost is missing,it’s going to drop to 24 degrees thisnight, but finally we cansay goodbye to the stormwintryalready frost, if you canbelieve in the last twoweeks we had 232 hourswith temperatures below the pointfreezing, under 32. now,we get five inches ofsnow at the airportdallas fort worth, those werewith other winter stormswhat happenedin the last few weeks andlowest temperature was 2below zero and this is thelower temperature in themetroplex since 1949, reallyhistoric these frosts, thosewinter storms, butwe are happy to say goodbye.in the city center ofDallas is 34, but we’relow freezing point,in dallas is the airportfort worth 31 at the airportwhich is in grapevine, 27 ingainesville. this is important.we are under the point offreezing and lots of snowmelted during thelate as we reached 40maximum temperature inairport,so we will have a lot of iceespecially duringdawn, the radar is clearwe don’t have cloudiness and that’s itcontributing to the conditionsso trustworthy because when we haveclear skies and windsmild the combination helpswhatlower the temperature, therethat in the next few hourswe will havetemperatures of 27 degrees,we are going to dawn withtemperatures close to 24.now, something that I love youshow is that if we are going to havesome cloudiness and a littledrizzle on Sunday in thetomorrow from around2:00 p.m.tomorrow do not worry,temperatures will be up15 on the point offreezing. I’m not herewaiting for freezing rain normuch less, but let’s gohave a little raindispersed during the morning andthe cloudiness will remainduring the first part ofSunday, it won’t be a daysunny beautiful, but thetemperature will arrive atless than 50. can see thefrost tonight, maysee the frost tonight,after that 34.52 and in thepóximos ías todo va ato get better. what is promised is debtand the nextWednesday we will be closefrom 70, we’re all going out torun and enjoy thosetemperatures since the cold was

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