previously escape the finewas $ 150 and the workshops withthree fines in 18 months couldalso lose the certificateof inspection now we returnwith Rafael Bello so thatabout time, how do we dowe hold the jacket in handor we have it close to us.rafael: we are surrounded byautumn, it is below whatnormal but you have to have it atthe hand, because the little onesare in the range of 30 to40 ° current conditions,clear skies with conditionallovely and a bit windy,gusts of wind arrive thatthey are exceeding 20 milessome areas with more humiditynorth and west of the statefrom new york this consequenceof a front that is going to staystability returns therethat will be for us allworking week except forFriday we can talk aboutrain but before thiswe will have a windy day,starting tomorrow attemperatures will drop, they willchanging as thehours, already for the nightbegin to descend and thewinds from the north withtemperature we were starting withtemperature in the range of55 Note that these winds havelogged up to six milesper hour, the normal would be 60 °,51 on Wednesday, Thursday 60 ° eintervals especially for thefull week let theFriday 35% chance ofrain, to one seeming to bemonitoring all weekjust 39 the smallest thatwill be close to 40 ° astarting tomorrowwe will need in the morningwhen will we go out with theseheavy coats, temperaturestiny callers will appearhow winter comesSunday also promisesbe beautiful even wingsnormal, hope it staysstable outlook for himrest of the week.Elian: Thank you very much, look