very controversial this decisiondifficult. now we go with rafaelto tell us about how muchtime will be hightemperatures.Rafael: Thanks for theshinto. we have alert until8:00 pm this Thursdayexcessive heat. we startedwe will have the 90’stemperature, Wednesday morning,Thursday and possibly Friday andisolated storms, parts ofour area, cloudiness,stormsisolated and severe and we’ll seeHow are thetemperatures in the media 80until 4:00 pmsensation begins toincrease. can you take a stepback to here so you have an ideawhy, winds from the southand you’re fresh and now they comefrom the south andthey will be with us fromtomorrow reaching 90 and thepossibility of stormssevere that could begoing through parts of newand we see how at night theearly morning we couldsee a similar picture. themI assure the following, heatexcessive heat alertmorning,91, feeling next or evenexceeding 100, scarce ofThursday, Thursday and Fridaysimilar, both were very hotfrom today to Saturday andelevated unit, we couldtalk about a waveextended heat because theSaturday is very close to the90 and in case of reaching 90four consecutive days with90th wings possibly repeatand thermal sensation even byabove 95, almost 100four in a on sunday we closewith much more conditionsquiet, pleasant and thereWe start next week.remember to hydrate well and notare the ías recommended forexercise any taskthat could put them at risk.