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This is the weather forecast for Monday night in Dallas | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

of the town.iriana: thank you, angie.a marked week awaits usfor various changes.warm, sunny.cloudy morning with thepossibility of somestorms.the rest of the day, it looksgreat.then the temperatures drop.for the moment, you knowimportant that the risk existsto see a storm or two.when?at night.Wednesday 7:00 in the morningstorms drift away. butdry weather continues to dominateour area.high temperatures,again intensive, thisfire development ofgrass and highly towards theWest.for the moment, one morningcalm to start thisvacation day ofspring . 69 is reported in thedallas airport and fort porwith a slight breeze, come in fromdry air, what is that?allowing it not to formcloudiness. the next hourstemperatures rise andthis morning we will be watchingthe increase in cloud cover toas thesystem. for the moment theweekend stormswere associated with thislow pressure system that seesonscreen. there were 17 reportstowards sectors of texas.one of them in the city oftexas that ripped a house out ofits foundations. it was a tornadolong-standing. And till30 inches of snow from themountains in colorado.here is the nextstorm towards sectors ofCalifornia will make its way into thecourse of the nexthours to our area.as it gets closer we seeHow humidity increases in thegulf of exico and oncethe pass system brings with itassociated a cold front and wewill then give a round ofsome downpours and stormselectrical. the risk of timesevere for most of themetroplex in scale 1.parts of the county areour adjacent counties.has the possibility to seeone or another storm.this is the lastupdate of the models.early morning thehumidity.go out with the umbrella becausethere was a light drizzleduring the morning traffic.we could see rains of formspoadic.the cold front ismoving from south toNorth. at 11:00 at nighttomorrow Tuesday will be activatinga strong storm hereprecisely towards sectors.with these storms the riskmain is by large hail.is something we will bewatching. and here was thefirst round of storms. I knowmoves north itmove away from our area and we havethe cold front as such, isarriving after themidnight. is alsoactivating one or another downpoursporadically and alsoelectrical storms is somethingthat we will be watching.60% rain, Wednesday, tothe dawn.by 7:00 in the morning alreadythese rains go away, come downtemperatures Thursday and

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