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This is the vitamin you should consume daily to eliminate abdominal fat

Getting rid of belly fat is one of the most popular goals for people who are considering changing their habits. And we are no longer just talking about an aesthetic problem, but rather
abdominal fat may have more health problems than you might initially think.

In addition to being more difficult to eliminate, visceral fat increases the risk of suffering from
type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension and increases triglycerideswhich increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. But it also increases the risk of developing cancer and the likelihood of suffering from sleep apnea.

To eliminate fat from the entire body, including abdominal fat, it is important
have healthy habits These include a good diet and regular exercise. But that’s not all, as recent research has suggested that there is a vitamin that can eliminate this specific type of fat:
vitamin D.

Vitamin D and abdominal fat

According to a study presented by the European Society of Endocrinology in Barcelona, ​​vitamin D could play a very important role in
reduce abdominal fatBut not only that, it can also help control blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamin D may also control cholesterol. /

Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras on Unsplash.

This research, which was carried out in the Netherlands, analysed the organism and behaviour of nearly 7,000 people and concluded that there is a very relevant relationship between low levels of vitamin D and
a greater accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.

Rachida Rafiq from the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam, says there is a very strong relationship “between
increased amount of lipids and lower parameters of this vitamin, suggesting that people with larger waistlines are at greater risk of developing deficiency and should consider monitoring their levels of this nutrient.”

The importance of vitamin D for the body

Vitamin D performs different functions in the body, among which stands out that of
promote calcium absorptiona mineral that is essential for the development and growth of bones and for keeping them strong. Without vitamin D, calcium cannot be absorbed, which produces a gradual process of bone demineralization that causes first osteopenia and then osteoporosis.

In addition to this, different studies have shown that vitamin D also fulfills a
protective function against certain types of cancerThus, people who have high levels of this vitamin have a 40% lower risk of developing colon cancer than those who are deficient.

It also plays a protective role against prostate, breast and skin cancer. In the case of breast cancer, blood levels of vitamin D are also important.
an important prognostic factorsince when these are high, the risk of spreading cancer is reduced by half and mortality from this cause is reduced by up to 73%.

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